Your Grandmas 60th Wedding Anniversary hotel party

By: jojoontheweb | Posted: 18th May 2011

In the modern age of lack of commitment, every now and again an occasion comes to remind us that it is possible to be faithful and loving to the same partner over a long period of time. Just such and occasion can be when your Grandma and granddad have their wedding anniversary party in the hotel near where they live. This will be a great occasion to celebrate with them but also understand how a relationship like that can survive for so long. Alongside this reflection there will also be a great opportunity to catch up with other members of the family who may be staying in the hotel and rooms ready for the big event. These family occasions can become increasingly rare so where you get the chance then take the opportunity to catch up with all those members you haven’t seen for so long.

Helping the couple celebrate their day.

In order to help the couple celebrate their big day and really enjoy their 60th wedding anniversary there are a few considerations to take account of:

· Show then how much you respect their achievement of being together and how this is such an impressive feat to the modern couple, some of whom barely last a few years. So as you set up the hotel and rooms for the party take a little time to sit down with your grand parents to impress this adoration upon them
· As you look around the hotel, try to ensure there is enough personalisation to them, could you put up some old photographs and the hotel and rooms to ensure the memories are there and the importance of the day comes through. Are there particular flowers your grandma would appreciate? Then get hold of these flowers and ensure they are scattered around the hotel and rooms.
· Speak with the rest of the family get their views of the couple and what the family think of them, perhaps you could set up a book in the hotel, so that each family member could make a contribution, and capture the kind thoughts for the couple to take away at the end of the day.
· Ensure that you go into the hotel and rooms venue ahead of the time the couple arrive just to check everything is in place and ready for the event, if there are any last minute touches that are needed these can be done ahead of the couple’s arrival and ensure everything runs smoothly.

As the day goes on, the respect and admiration is bound to build and this is a great occasion to reflect, gain the wisdom of those around you to help build on your current relationship and this will help you in the future.
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Tags: period of time, flowers, little time, relationship, reflection, grandma, memories, family member, old photographs, members of the family, adoration, grand parents