Healthy Foods That Help You Lose Fat

By: Web Chef | Posted: 18th May 2011

A good number of folks have at some point in their lives have been trying hard to lose weight. They have gone on some really ridiculous diets following some of the gurus with no facts to back their claim. What if I told you that there are foods that actually help you lose weight?

There are a variety of foods that can aid in weight loss, like fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are known to be healthy but many people don't realize that they can help you to shed unwanted pounds due to their negative calorie effect.

This negative calorie effect simply means you burn more calories by eating the food then the food itself. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables makes it easier for you to lose weight and keep it off.

Another benefit of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is that those that are high in vitamin C like lemons, oranges, apples, tomatoes, broccoli, and watermelon can actually break down and flush out the fat cells.

Apples help burn fat, because it contains a large amount of pectin. Pectin helps to prevent your body from absorbing fat. It actually helps to dissolve the fat. The pectin also works to suppress your appetite so you don't feel like snacking which tends to lead to overeating. Studies have shown that if you eat an apple before a meal you can lose up to thirty three percent more weight. This seems like a quick way to lose weight.

Raw figs are one of those lesser known foods that can help you lose weight. The enzyme found in figs helps detoxify your body by naturally cleansing the colon. This has help some people to lose up to ten pounds within one week.

Moreover, studies have shown that grapefruit can help you lose up to a pound a week. All you need to do is add half of a grapefruit to your daily diet and you can lose weight. There is a compound found in grapefruit that lowers insulin levels which helps you to feel full. This has been the basis of the famous Grapefruit Diet that was created in the 1930's.

Furthermore, there are many other food groups that help you lose weight too. If you enjoy plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables it will help you with your goal to lose weight. Their negative calorie effect means that you will burn more calories than you eat. Because of this, I consider fruits and vegetables to be the best foods that help you lose weight and stay healthy.

Learn more about the other fruits that help you lose weight and get recipe tips to stay healthy and enjoy life with easy weight loss products.
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Tags: gurus, tomatoes, apples, diets, fruits and vegetables, appetite, oranges, lemons, calories, vitamin c, fat cells, broccoli, unwanted pounds, overeating, watermelon, grapefruit diet, insulin levels, cleansing the colon, figs