Are All Kids Video Games Bad For The Children?

By: mekneyjack jack | Posted: 17th May 2011

Kids video games have been criticized a lot by parents and teachers in every age. The news, articles and the blogs, all of them portrayed video games as the most dangerous obsession for children. With the release of every new game of mature title, the criticism takes birth. Like other things video games have some negative effects like they may turn children into an aggressive and violent but if the playing time is moderate and checked by parents then it will never happen. There were a lot of researches made on these video games which proved that these kids video games contain a positive beneficial and helpful side too. We have already heard too much that they make them monsters and violent but has anybody ever considered that if playing these anti-social games leads to anti-social behavior, then playing games which promote pro-social behavior can lead to pro-social behavior of children? The researches proved that the ability of working together voluntarily to help others is found in those children who play pro-social kids video games.
These benefits just do not end here; the researches have also proved that these video games teach children to think in a strategic manner. This is very necessary in this world where there is cut throat competition. Most of these kids video games have definite set of rules and restrictions and players are obliged to follow them in order to win the game. These video games require children to think tactically and make logical fast decisions to achieve goals which enhance the problem solving skill of children. Since every game has puzzles and issues which needs to be solved by players and when children try to do that, their ability to solve problems increases. The games which require typing and spellings increase the vocabulary and correct the spellings of children. They not only learn the new words but they also learn the usage of the word. If the games are played online on personal computers then they can be helpful in increasing the typing skills of children.
Kids video games play a big role in building the self-confidence in children. Most of these games which require the player to meet the task, to pass different levels, to solve the puzzles and to gain reward points. You must be aware of the quote “the more you do, the more you can do”; as children perform these activities, they gain confidence in themselves. These video games are known to improve the hand and eye coordination of children.
There are numerous benefits of kids video games but playing video games need to be balanced between other important activities. Going outdoors and playing outdoor games and socializing with other children are also important and they should never be neglected. The parents should be aware of the games their children play and they should buy the games after checking the ratings of these games. Children should not remain unsupervised in this aspect; parents need to monitor them. Parents should also dole out some time to play with their children out of their busy routines.
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Tags: decisions, throat competition, cut throat, puzzles, news articles, blogs, parents and teachers, video games, vocabulary, researches, playing time, personal computers, new game, playing games, monsters