How to Take Care of Your Hair Scissors

By: Stephen M. Jackson | Posted: 16th May 2011

Every known stylist today uses a set of shears to complete their one of a kind hair cuts. Hair scissors are actually the most widely used hair tool today. Stylists use them every single day and typically with every single hair cut they give. It is important for the stylist to take care of their shears on a daily basis so that they remain in the best shape possible for as long as possible and continue to provide efficiency with each hair cut. Even though, the hair scissors used by stylists may come from an expensive and professional line, it is still important to take good care of them to ensure their continued quality.

The first thing that is important in order to take good care of your hair scissors is to clean them. This should be done at the completion of every single hair cut. They should be cleaned with warm water and a light duty soap. Some stylists will even use an alcohol based substance to clean their hair scissors with but be wary of what type of metal you use alcohol on as it can ruin the finish on some after a prolonged period.

The second thing that you must do when caring for your hair scissors is to keep them dry especially, after cleaning. You should use a very soft material to do this. Special drying towels are sold in many hair cut supply shops and it is wise to invest in one. Be sure to get into all the crevices in your hair scissors so that rust does not accumulate.

Third, you should always keep your hair scissors nicely lubricated. This prevents the shears from locking up while you are cutting. This is typical when joints become stiff after prolonged use of the hair scissors. A mild oil is best but again, these oils can be purchased specifically for shears. You would simply open the shears wide and rub a light coat over the joints and blades.

Lastly, keep your hair scissors in a proper storage area to avoid damage and dulling of the blades and try not to drop them as this will cause damage to the blades. By keeping your shears in good condition, they will better perform for you and last for a long time. This in turn will save you the money and frustration of having to replace them too often.
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Tags: single day, efficiency, soap, daily basis, alcohol, joints, rust, storage area, warm water, prolonged period, crevices, towels, stylist, proper storage, hair cuts, soft material, light duty, shears