Dangers of Texting While Driving

By: Jeff Rice | Posted: 16th May 2011

Texting while driving - —almost everyone does that. But, do you know that this can actually injure you and even claim your life? Using the cell phone while calling can indeed put your life in danger. No text message or phone call is worth the risk you’re putting yourself into when you make use of your device while handling the steering wheel of your car.

Every year, more than 50,000 drivers are injured while and about 6,000 are killed because of using the phone when driving. Drunk driving (which used to be the leading cause of car accidents) has now taken a backseat, while texting and calling is now at the top of the list.

A distraction can be visual, manual or cognitive. Visual distractions take the driver’s eyes off the road. Manual distractions take the driver’s hands off the wheel, and cognitive distractions take the driver’s mind off what is happening on the road. Texting involves all three of these elements, making it a fairly dangerous distraction for all drivers—whether novice or seasoned.

Although there have been state laws enacted to put a stop to this predicament, many people use their handheld devices in broad daylight while behind the wheel of their cars. They just don’t realize the perils that they’re risking. They think that one text can be harmless or that a couple of messages wouldn’t really let them lose their focus on the road. It just takes a split second of lost concentration to severely injure yourself or others.

Don’t let this happen to you or to any person you know. Here are some ways on how you can avoid the temptation of using your phone while driving.

Turn off your phone when you get into the car

Before you step into your car, make it a habit to turn off your phone. When you don’t hear any message alert or phone ring, you won’t be tempted to answer it. Let phone calls and messages go to your voicemail and then just reply to them as soon as you get off out of the car.

Use hands-free cell phone accessory

There are certain cell phone accessories that would allow you to make a phone call without having to hold your phone to your ear. A headset is one cell phone accessory you would need to have if you are in dire need of making phone calls while driving. These would allow you to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. This accessory, along with other cell phone items like cheap cell phone faceplates, can be purchased at an inexpensive cost in most online stores.

Have discipline

Instill discipline in yourself not to use your phone while driving. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. Tell them how important it is to focus your eyes, hands, and mind on the road while driving. This way, you and the people you know will be able to minimize dangers and avoid accidents.

For more details about cell phone accessory & cheap cell phone faceplates, please visit us online.
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Tags: phone call, voicemail, phone calls, steering wheel, predicament, backseat, car accidents, state laws, distraction, handheld devices, text message, perils, free cell phone, worth the risk, broad daylight, cell phone accessory