Rules for Writing Fantasy Books

By: Bakul Sikri | Posted: 16th May 2011

Fantasy stories can be obtained in the form of stories or novels that do not have any specific prototype or style. According to a recent research, it is found that most of the fantasy writers generally follow the writing style or other useful details of their peers, but it does not mean that none of them writes on their own. Fantasy novels are one of the most popular ways to stay happy and improvise the level of understanding of audiences. These stories can be of multiple types, which can be based on various subjects such as friction, history, horror or other related subjects.
Similarly, some of the fantasy writers follow any particular script style, and it is the responsibility of the best writers to give new horizons to their script with the help of their innovative ideas. Most of the times, the best series of any fantasy novel generally end up at some point, which helps writers to write a new version or series. Here are some of the important rules, which can be used to write the top fantasy books for the audiences:
Use Exclamation Mark Moderately: A friction story is a combination of many characters, so it is very important for the writers to take good care of exclamation symbols, as it can change the whole meaning of any sentence. Researches reveal that the use of this symbol should be limited to 3 or 4 per 110,000 words in any written material.
Do not Give Detailed Descriptions of Characters: Try to reduce writing detailed descriptions of various characters, as it can be hard for the readers to have a clear understanding of the story. So, the better way will be to write just the useful information rather than writing long and unnecessary statements.
Grammatical Errors: It is very important for any writer to write the text with the proper grammar, and a well –organized sentence flow is always helpful to leave a positive mark in the minds of your readers.
Try to reduce long introductions: Using long introductions on various subjects in novels are history nowadays, as sometimes it can also annoy the readers. So, you can place it in anywhere you want according to your writing strategies and the type of readers, and the best way will be to use them, whenever it is necessary.
Therefore, the above-mentioned writing tips can benefit those writers, who are planning to write the Best fantasy Books for their valuable readers.
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Tags: grammatical errors, peers, writing style, horror, audiences, introductions, researches, prototype, detailed descriptions, friction, innovative ideas, proper grammar, new horizons, exclamation mark