Backtrack and Watch Favourite TV Shows Online

By: Roger | Posted: 12th May 2011

One of my favourite pastimes is to look for my favourite TV shows and movies and watch them on TV. My favorites are usually no longer being aired and I find it too expensive to buy all the DVD sets. My only saving grace is the internet for here I find that even those that I have never heard of before are still on electronic files and could be accessed.
Take for example Nora Roberts TV movies. I was so looking forward to watching them, even took out the TV guide and made notes and reminders of the dates and times they would be shown. Four or five movies later, all of which I ended up missing, I gave up and had to content myself to reading the books. When a friend of mine said these movies were shown for free on YouTube, I rushed and opened and was delightfully surprised. All of the Nora Roberts movies were there, accessible any time I wanted and for free.
To make the watching experience even better, I hooked up my lap top to my flat TV and just watched the movies from there. There were no commercial interruptions yes, but they were segmented. As the file was only good for 12 or more minutes, one segment would end until I clicked on to the next segment. At first I found it tedious but then I realized that this is free online TV and I could watch anytime I wanted no stress, no hassles and thankfully no need to spend extra.
There are other movies I had never even seen and no copies available on DVD. So I would just click on to a free movie site and watch them. This way I found that I was saving a lot of money. If I did not like the movie, I just clicked on to the next choice. If I had rented or bought the DVD, I would have wasted my money.
I pay top dollar for my high speed internet and I am happy that I could watch TV online as well. Now I am hooked and as I watch the shows and movies online anyway, someone suggested I drop my cable subscription. Still thinking about it, but they may just be right. For people like me who are very busy and cannot be held down by TV guides and schedules, the online option is, for now, a solution I am taking advantage of.

The author has contributed various posts on tv gids online and other popular entertainment channels.
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Tags: hassles, segment, reminders, high speed internet, tv shows, top dollar, electronic files, saving grace, pastimes, tv guide, favourite tv, lap top, youtube, flat tv