Texting Vs. Calling: Which One is Better?

By: Jeff Rice | Posted: 10th May 2011

Cell phones have pretty much dominated our lives. Right from the moment we wake up, the first thing we check is the cell phone, wanting to know right away if somebody made a call or sent a text message while we were sleeping. We also use this device during most of the day to communicate with family, friends, co-workers, business associates, and so many more.

Aside from communication, it offers countless other purposes, including, but not limited to, surfing the web, checking emails, playing games, organizing data, setting appointments in the calendar, and many others.

While there are so many uses of a cell phone that it’s hard to keep track, still it boils down to communication. People use cell phones to communicate through two ways: texting or calling. Some people question which of these two methods is better. Below, we take a look at both aspects of the cell phone’s communication methods so you can decide which one is more apt for you to use.


Texting involves displaying a block of text in the cell phone screen to inform the recipient of what the sender has to say. The primary advantage of text messages is that it is short and directly to the point. There is no more need to beat around the bush or go with the hi-hello-how-are-you routine that is standard for traditional phone calls. Also, it allows the exact message to be transmitted clearly to the other person.

No distractions, poor reception, or loud noises will cause for message misinterpretation as long as you say what you want to say in a clear and direct way. It’s also much cheaper to send a text than to make a phone call, which is why many students and non-working people prefer this method over calling. Moreover, since it doesn’t involve loud ringtones or talking, it can be the appropriate method in many situations like in the library, restaurant, business meetings, or even church.

However, there are also major downsides, one of which is the lack of sincerity. It’s actually hard to determine if a person is telling the truth because you don’t get to gauge their mood or tone through their voice. It’s no wonder many people would rather text than call when making a lie or excuse. It’s much easier. Another downside is that texting takes more time than talking. You’d have to wait for a few minutes or even days if the person you’re texting is not a keen user of cell phone before you get to receive a reply.


Calling, on the other hand, is transmission of a message in sound waves. The best thing about calling has to do with its urgency. When you make a call, it’s much easier to ensure that the person you’re reaching has gotten your message. You’ll also get a response much quicker. If you’re not the type who can text easily, you’ll prefer to make a call than to fumble through your keypad all day.

Obviously, the downsides of making a call would be the advantages that you can enjoy in texting. In a phone call, you can be misheard when the reception is not clear and it’s also possible for the line to get cut off that you won’t be able to finish what you’re saying. Calling is also more obvious than texting. You can’t call when you’re inside the church, library, or any other place that requires peace and quiet.

Both texting and calling offers their own advantages that you would enjoy in certain situations. There are some situations when texting is more appropriate and some when calling is necessary. Because cell phones are practical items, take care of them using protective cell phone accessories like cool cell phone covers. Cool cell phone covers, along with all the other cell phone accessories, are available widely in the market today.

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Tags: phone call, two ways, text messages, co workers, business associates, family friends, appointments, distractions, cell phone, business meetings, sincerity, text message, misinterpretation, loud noises, playing games, restaurant business, communication methods