Adsense Pirate Review - Legit or Scam?

By: TechSpaz | Posted: 10th May 2011

Product Description

Adsense Pirate is an eBook written by Meji Alabi of It’s about how he raised his Adsense Earnings from dollars per day to a significant amount per month using an array of techniques within his blogs and websites. It's mainly written for Adsense novices rather than already established and succesful Adsense publishers.

Detailed Overview

Adsense Pirate is not solely about Google Adsense, so some people may find the title misleading. It's a bundle of tips, tools, and techniques that Meji used in order to boost his Adsense earnings. Inside of the eBook is a lot of quality knowledge and some Adsense professionals may find it to be basic material, but nonetheless essential knowledge for an Adsense amateur.

Adsense Pirate sells itself on the basis that it will not make you rich overnight. The author of the eBook doesn't claim to be rich either. What he does say is that if you followed all the steps in the eBook you should definitely see an improvement in your Adsense earnings within six months - or you can get your money back. He also mentions that every tip and trick he's tried is included within the eBook.

After reading the eBook I feel I’ve learned quite a few things about Adsense. The author also uses images to help keep the reader stimulated which is very important. Content wise Adsense Pirate was very useful. Meji points out in the eBook that it takes a lot more than just placing ads to make money on Adsense.

Within the eBook you’ll find tips ranging from Search Engine Optimization to Ad Placement and traffic. So be prepared to read about more than Adsense when purchasing Adsense Pirate. He comes with a very realistic approach with Adsense Pirate which some people may find welcoming due to the fact that it’s unlikely after reading any eBook that you will become a millionaire or even make $500 within 30 days.

Ultimately, Adsense Pirate is an honest ploy by an up and coming Internet Marketer. Months before he wrote the eBook he was displaying his rising Adsense earnings on his blog and also documenting his plans for writing Adsense Pirate. If you are already making thousands with Adsense you probably won’t find Adsense Pirate too useful. But if you’re on the other end only making a few dollars, it should be worth your attention.

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Not much has been said about Adsense Pirate but as for the author he seems to have a very reputable blog. His monthly Adsense Earnings are consistent with what his product offers and although it has not been a best seller elsewhere it seems to have created a buzz with his readers.

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The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "Adsense Pirate" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.

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Tags: google, ebook, search engine optimization, images, six months, novices, ploy, earnings, placing ads, adsense, array, publishers, product description, millionaire, blogs, realistic approach, t claim, pirate