Promotional Items

By: joshgreene | Posted: 06th May 2011

There are many different kinds of marketing strategies, and using items to promote your brand is one of them. Many companies have chosen to use products to help represent them. Some of these companies use more direct methods while some use more indirect methods. For example, Nike uses their brand symbol, the infamous check mark on all of their items. This is more direct because their promotion items are pretty much their products. This type of marketing is free and also makes them money directly. Because when they choose to put their promotional logo on a item, it becomes worth more.

The more indirect type of promotion items, is when companies put their logo on a item that is not affiliated with their main product. An example of this would be Burger King T-shirts. Burger King is a fast food company, not a clothing store, but they have promotional clothing items to help get their name out on the market. There are many companies that do this and T-shirts is one of the most popular and cheapest methods.

Another great example of promotional items being used in marketing is with the giant Nintendo franchise, Pokemon. Pokemon is a billion dollar franchise and it attained its success mainly through a lot of post and pre marketing tactics. Their use of promotional items highly helped in their success. Before Pokemon arrived in the United States, it launched one of the most aggressive marketing campaigns ever seen. In the city of Topeka, they dropped Pikachu dolls from jet planes all over the city. The city was renamed Topikachu for an entire day by the mayor.

Pokemon launched a variety of different promotional items, ranging from video games, dolls, pajamas, and their most popular, Pokemon trading cards. The nature of the television show tells it's demographic, which is mainly 8 to 10 year old boys to buy them all or as they phrase it "Gotta Catch'em all". That slogan spawned tons of promotional collectible Pokemon items all over the world. The items continuously brought in a income stream because most customers were repeat customers. The desire to buy all the trading cards or collect all the Pokemon toys caught on in the entire nation. It was a fad that ran wild because it was marketed so brilliantly. The campaign made Nintendo billionaires of dollars and it helped Pokemon become a household name all across the globe.

Resource Box:-

Printed piggy banks and promotional puzzles are great promo items for children.

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Tags: clothing store, marketing campaigns, marketing strategies, marketing tactics, burger king, promotional items, television show, different kinds, income stream, pajamas, aggressive marketing, promotional clothing