The Health Benefits Of Wheat Bags

By: Rick Gueli | Posted: 05th May 2011

In the modern world, we’re becoming more and more aware of the importance of physical well-being, but many people are understandably wary of the over-use of medicines. If you’re seeking a natural way to ease sore muscles and joints, then the Zhu Zhu range of wheat bags is the ideal remedy for a variety of reasons. Unsure as to why? Let us help:

It decreases joint stiffness. Research has shown on numerous occasions that heat therapy can do wonders for relieving tension in the joints around the body: something that anyone who has ever suffered from arthritis will tell you is a physical malady that everyone should try and avoid. Whether you suffer from knee stiffness due to running or tense shoulders and arms due to throwing sports or aerobics, wheat bags can be an ideal way to help both increase maneuverability of the joint as well as decreasing any pain that you suffer as a result.

It can relieve muscle spasms. If you’re suffering from an involuntary muscle spasm, then local application of heat will be able to calm the muscle down by decreasing the viscosity of the collagen found in muscle, meaning that the muscle will naturally soften, leading to increased relaxation as well as a reduction in pain that might occur as a result of the initial spasms.

It will increase blood flow. Because the effect of heat leads to softening of the muscle and body tissue, wheat bags also allow more blood to pass through your system, leading to a replenished feeling when applied locally. As well as this, increased blood flow will also increase the feeling of well being obtained, due to the resultant increase of oxygen that comes naturally as a result of the increased flow.

It can decrease swelling and bruising. The downside of enjoying an active life is that it’s fairly inevitable that every now and then you’ll suffer bumps, bruises and swellings resulting from any contact sports or the odd fall whilst out running. In much the same manner as an ice pack, a chilled wheat bag will help to ease both the pain and general discomfort that arises from injuries such as these, the natural ingredients aiding the healing process combined with the cold temperatures.

View the Zhu Zhu range of heatable Wheat Bags, all of them ideally suited to the process of heat and cold application, Visit the catalogue here:
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Tags: body tissue, maneuverability, blood flow, bruises, muscle spasms, collagen, joint stiffness, viscosity, active life, malady, contact sports, heat therapy, swellings, muscle spasm