Considering The For And Against Of Geothermal Energy Usage

By: Matt Grigg | Posted: 05th May 2011

As planet earth formed, tons of extremely hot substances condensed together. From then on, a reservoir of radioactive chemicals has slowly disintegrated to produce a constant source of heat. The heat coming from the earth due to radio-active decay is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, which means that this heat energy is regarded as renewable.

Inextricably linked to this, is water, which is essential for the steam production needed. The water that is used up is replaced in an ongoing cycle. Water is thus also regarded as being 'renewable'. Intercepting energy of this nature is important to consider, since the acid rain from this method of power generation produces 97% less acid rain, than alternative methods.

Sulfur dioxide, and some other gases that could contribute to pollution have been detected in the steam, but they are pumped back into the wells that they originally came from or get converted into chemicals for use in industry. No combustion of fossil fuels is required, during electricity generation by this method, so a carbon footprint is produced that is suitably small. This makes the method attractive compared to those using combustion to produce power. flow center.

The stations that are geared for using the power in steam from below the earth, are smaller, and have less impact on the environment than the sites where combustion is essential. There are no pipelines that bring fossil fuel for the purpose of running pumps etc. Since the steam ascends without mechanical intervention.No foreign countries need be depended on for any part of this type of energy source, as the steam created by the hot temperatures, is potentially available locally in every place.

Areas like Alaska and Hawaii, and some others, are conducive to geothermal power generation because steam is found near the earth's surface. It is far cheaper to tap into the wells in places like these and make use of it. Not everywhere is as easy to find vaporized water, so only certain areas can take advantage geothermal energy at present.

Companies that are approached to undertake establishing such power generating establishments are reluctant to do so, as typically these areas are synonymous with earthquakes and volcanoes, making capital investment risky. In addition, the pockets of steam that are found by drilling, can be insufficient in quantity and will run out from time to time, requiring repositioning of the pipes to tap into new wells.

The key to being able to introduce geothermal energy usage on a wider geographical scale is limited by the advancements in drilling technology. The reason for this is that the heat and corrosive elements associated with this type of drilling requires special equipment. This equipment is hugely expensive at present.
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Tags: foreseeable future, pipelines, foreign countries, energy source, pumps, acid rain, alternative methods, gases, planet earth, decay, heat energy, fossil fuel, power generation, electricity generation, carbon footprint