Data Cleansing With Phruit’s Help

By: Maria Backer | Posted: 04th May 2011

Phruit’s Data Cleansing service is one that lets you clean and update the database of your company, meaning it is full of 100% accurate information. The Data Cleansing service is essential for any business; otherwise you may find that your wastage costs and customer annoyance increases. With data that has not been cleansed, your company may continue to send direct mail to consumers and businesses; this entails a lot of money. Having your data cleansed means that the direct mail reaches the intended recipients only.

Customer annoyance is sure to be triggered if you are sending direct mail or emails to people who have deceased or changed location. Relatives may get annoyed by this and your company’s reputation may suffer. So, now do you understand why Data Cleansing is essential? If you own a company and are not able to engage in Data Cleansing, be sure to take advantage of the services of a reputed Call Centre to offer you this service.

Phruit Limited is a company that offers high quality Call Centre services. Located in Nottinghamshire, they serve business clients based at the UK and offshore. The company offers superior quality services in Data Cleansing and has named this unique service ‘Refresh’.

Why avail the services of Phruit?

With so many Call Centre services around, you may ask what added facilities this company will offer you. Phruit offers a unique approach to deliver you the most effective services. They use cost effective methods and advanced technology, resulting in receiving the best possible service at reasonable costs.

Refresh is the service that helps to maintain the new look of the consumer and business database in your company. The service gets rid of all possibilities of low marketing response rates, huge campaign costs and negative consumer perception.

Let’s get to know the services from Refresh

‘Refresh Clean’ cleans and updates the company’s database. It makes sure that the all the names and contact information of the businesses and individuals are accurate and maintained in the database in an organised way.

Phruit’s ‘Refresh Validate’ ensures all the information provided in the database is correct and current. So, you know that when you send the direct mail it will reach the correct recipient.

‘Refresh Suppress’ is the service that informs you of the people who are not interested in responding to your communications; or is unable to respond. This helps you remove chances of cost wastage and customer annoyance.

‘Refresh Enhance’ lets you use the extra information for making sure that the right offers are made to the right people.

‘Refresh Match’ informs you of all the duplicate records. This is a great way for decreasing the customer annoyance chances and cost wastage within your company.

Phruit Limited has a unique way of pursuing business with their clients and they know just what solutions your business problems require. So, always ask for their services and watch your business climb up the ladder.

Phruit Limited is a popular Call Centre service provider offering high quality services utilising cost effective measures and modern technology.
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Tags: high quality, response rates, direct mail, consumers, reputation, advanced technology, relatives, quality services, annoyance, business clients, all possibilities, business database, unique service, best possible service, nottinghamshire, effective services