Auditions for Disney Channel Shows

By: Richard Landy | Posted: 04th May 2011

Auditions for the Disney Channel are one of the things that are idealized for children and young adults aged 10-17. Most of these people have watched the Disney Channel when they were children and dream about becoming or taking a part as an actor or a performer for the Disney channel. Auditions for the Disney Channel Shows auditions fill an integral role of finding new talent and employees to replace others that have moved onto different endeavours. These Disney Channel Shows auditions are conducted on a fairly regular basis since the market itself demands new employees every few years to be added since the current ones leave, grow up or move on.

Now there are multiple ways to find and audition, under normal circumstances Disney has talent scouts that are out at different events that try to find talent of which they can set up for interviews and auditions with the larger corporation at hand. Another method is to seek a talent scout yourself for an audition. If you meet their standards they would be more than willing to help you get an audition to progress further up the ladder. Also be sure to have a good resume on hand when you go to your interview along with a cover letter and headshot. These are essentially so that Disney can keep you application straight and as a quick reference for directors who will be reviewing your audition.

Remember to dress appropriately for your Disney Channel Shows audition and that means do not wear your street clothes under any circumstances. Wear something that you would wear out on your first date. Something extremely nice that would feel comfortable being seen in but also that would give you a rather impressive air or turn heads so to speak. In a competition where those who are chosen and those who are not are decided by the little things, a choice of a good outfit can be the difference.

Also be sure to get there early, I would err on the side of caution and show up at least an hour early or more. It may sound extreme but it is as small price to pay considering the alternative would be that you miss your audition and therefore do not get the role. I say this because as always there could be unforeseen circumstances and delays, these are common with auditions and it is a good idea to plan ahead for such possibilities.

Be sure that you know your routine front to back and back to front. This is the reason that you are going to be there in the first place and it would be no good to go to an audition without knowing your routine or stunts to the letter.

Now, take your time and put you all into your audition and I am sure you will do completely fine. After the audition go home and wait for the Disney Channel to call you about either a call back or about a future roll that they may have for you. Don't be stressed or get stressed out about your audition, worrying does absolutely nothing for you and if anything it just makes you more nervous about your Disney Channel Shows audition. If you are for whatever reason not chosen do not worry or fret and simply try again, many people don't make it there first time out so do not get discouraged.

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Tags: circumstances, caution, endeavours, ladder, first date, resume, integral role, young adults, disney, cover letter, quick reference, street clothes, disney channel