Shock Horror! Jennifer Aniston Snapped on a Bad Hair Day!

By: karrencrawley | Posted: 04th May 2011

Only joking – I mean, when have you ever seen the friendly one with anything but perfect locks?

But Jennifer isn’t the only one who’s a slave to the Brazilian blowdry. It seems that each and every day another famous name comes out of the hairstyle closet and confesses to having the odd Brazilian! (Hair on their heads, that is. What they have done to their nether regions is a secret between them and their nearest and dearest, of course).

So, as soon as we mere mortals began to hear about the celebs and their penchant for a Brazilian blowdry, then of course we all became interested.

And the first question we wanted to know is, what is a Brazilian Blowout? I mean, you keep hearing all these different names and terminology for Brazilian blowdry – but is there any difference between them all? And is it really just another fancy name for what is effectively Japanese straightening?

Well, my book will tell you all of this, and more. Find out exactly what is a Brazilian Blowout, and what the difference is between this and all the other keratin treatments on the market. And boy, if you’ve ever been a Japanese straightening addict, girl you are in for a great big, ten Christmas’s rolled into one treat.

But not only will you learn about these differences, and about the stars who just can’t live without their Brazilian blowdry, but the lowdown on every single aspect of keratin treatment as well.

From what to expect when you go for your treatment, to safety, to DIY home kits, all the information you need to make an informed choice is in the book.

And whilst we all want to look our best with a minimum amount of fuss, all the scare stories which are currently in the media can’t have failed to make you just a little bit wary of whether or not to go down the Brazilian Blowdry path.

So, not only will you find out exactly what is a Brazilian Blowout and the differences between it and Japanese straightening, you will get a simple to understand, non-technical, and most of all, non-biased view on the most popular hair craze since ‘big’ hair in the eighties.

Yes – you may well want hair like Jennifer Aniston’s, but you don’t want it to cost you more than just your hard earned dollars.


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Tags: little bit, christmas, fuss, addict, informed choice, locks, penchant, fancy name, mere mortals, blowout, celebs