Get Glowing Skin For Wedding Day Makeup

By: jsocratous | Posted: 21st April 2011

Among the different occasions that human societies have in every part of the world, wedding is one event that is common to all strata, culture and religion. Everywhere it is the time to be jolly; and it is not just the bride or the groom who are happy on their special day, but also the guests from both the sides who attend the wedding.

So if you are attending a wedding, you need to have the perfect wedding day makeup so that you look your best, even if you are not the bride! From your skin makeup to your hairstyle, everything has to be picture perfect to make sure you great. Now it is always possible to get a golden tanned glow with makeup, but when you can get the same by taking little care of your skin, then that is always better! So make sure you are taking care of skin regularly before such an event (if you are not doing that already) and by the time the wedding day arrives, you will need little wedding day makeup to make you look your best. Your glowing, dewy soft skin will make sure everyone take note of you, after the bride of course!

The things that you will need for getting this perfect skin are items easily found in most household. They are everyday food items like buttermilk or yoghurt, lemon juice, and dry oatmeal. Other than that, you will need a good moisturizer.

To get the perfect wedding day makeup skin, make sure your beauty ritual prior the D-Day includes washing the face with buttermilk or yoghurt. Lactic acid is present in both of them, but due to their fat content, the acid will be very gentle on your skin. The acid will help to slough off the top layer of your skin which will help to renew the new skin underneath. Wash the yoghurt or buttermilk from the face with lukewarm water. Remember to do this at least some days before the wedding day so that the new skin is ready by that time.

Exfoliation is another way of getting rid of dead skin cells on the top layers of your skin. For a homemade pack, try using 1 part dry oatmeal with 2 parts cool water. Use your fingers to massage this scrub all over your face. Then wash off with lukewarm water. The scrub will work two way; it will get rid of the dead skin cells and also bring blood to your skin’s surface for that rosy look which no blusher can achieve!

Your next step for getting the picture-perfect wedding day makeup skin will have to include toning. For a natural toner, nothing is better than lemon juice. Squeeze a freshly cut lemon juice and then use a cotton ball to apply this lemon juice to your face. The skin’s pH balance will be restored and all that scrubber and cleanser you used will be completely removed. This natural toner will also cut down excess oil secretion, if oily skin is your problem.

To finish, apply a moisturizer. The water content of your skin is held to the skin by the oils present in a good moisturizer. That will make sure you have a supple and soft skin to show off on the wedding day.

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Tags: wedding day, lemon juice, new skin, water use, dead skin cells, food items, fat content, lukewarm water, moisturizer, cool water, exfoliation, perfect skin, yoghurt, lactic acid, soft skin, d day, buttermilk