Tips On How To Get Glowing Skin

By: Ron Millicent | Posted: 20th April 2011

Basically, why should you care about your skin care? It is really not such a crazy question, but one which is not often stated. One can state the answer by observing a simple fact: There is something almost magical about a woman who has naturally glowing skin!

She looks healthier, happier, and actually radiant.

So, let's begin by asking the basic question:

What is Skin?

Basically , although we seldom think of it as an organ - actually it is the largest organ in your body - and accounts for about 16% of your weight. In a younger person, the skin renews itself about every 10-14 days, but an older person may take up to 28 days. Something to think about.

There are three layers of our skin:

• Epidermis
• Dermis
• Hypodermis

Our skin is always absorbing, and then releasing toxins. When it absorbs more than it releases, we have problems.

Now, what exactly is the Main Function of our Skin?

It really serves several purposes:

• Protect our bodies
• Prevents harmful bacteria from the daily rigors of life
• Protects the body from infection
• Helps to purify the body by eliminating waste fluids

What can we do to help our skin perform these necessary functions? Actually, skin care really begins within your body. Nothing really startling here, but it is a beginning point for beautiful glowing skin.

As a general rule - whatever is good for our body's general well-being is good for our skin; Pretty simple, and yet neglected by so many:

• Exercise
• Fresh Air
• A good diet
• Protection from the sun
• Minerals and vitamins

Don't let the simplicity fool you. If you just begin exercising and build up your muscle tone, that alone will do wonders for your skin. Muscle tone will keep your skin from looking so saggy.

Now, for a little more specific information:

To understand what aging does, you have to understand that aging skin is a condition where the body cuts down the production of structural proteins like collagen and elastin which causes the skin to lose its resiliency and cohesion.

That loss causes the sin to wrinkle and/or sag.

Ergo, the skin condition that most women abhor and fear; that old looking skin. Now, the above are the basic simple facts of skin - and now that you know the fundamentals, the question is:

What can you do about it! Your arsenal is big - and potent - using both common sense approaches and the wondrous advances science has made.

Follow the above `tips` and add to them:

• Dry Skin Brushing - - -- Use a good quality natural bristle brush Brush in the direction of your heart This speeds up the rate at which toxins are removed
• Drink More Water - - - Try to drink between 6-8 glasses of water per day This helps your cells to work more efficiently
• Cut out, or at least reduce, fast foods and `fizzy drinks` - - - - - Not good for your general health Therefore, not good for your skin

Now, remember when we said that your body just does not produce the proteins necessary for the suppleness and elasticity of your skin - well here is where you are in luck . Science has filled the gap for you - you can get that glowing skin - easily:

There are many bogus products in the market place today - but stick with the proven, guaranteed products.

Those products, along with the information above - will give you what you want - smooth beautiful skin!


The questions of beauty: What is it? How does one attain it? and various questions are so interesting - and yet it boils down to the Inner Beauty - that each has. Go here to see how the complete package is put together:=>
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Tags: simple fact, simplicity, minerals, exercise, skin care, 28 days, diet, vitamins, fresh air, rigors, muscle tone, glowing skin, collagen, dermis, proteins, aging skin, harmful bacteria