Mane And Tail Shampoo Is Great For Human Hair If Used Correctly

By: tonyw333 | Posted: 20th April 2011

Mane And Tail Shampoo is these days a viable beauty product for humans the world over - even though it started life as a shampoo devised to make horses' manes and tails shine with health. Mane And Tail actually isn't the only brand that has adapted their horse shampoo to be suitable for the human market as well.

Horse shampoos have a number of significant benefits:

- you make a significant cost saving by using them
- regular use produces fantastically glossy and manageable hair
- they moisturize and nourish the scalp
- they are hypo-allergenic, meaning they are perfect for those with skin allergies

It is a good idea to learn the best practices for using a horse shampoo, to ensure you stand the best change of getting the results you're after. The point of my articles is to provide some simple information on using this shampoo for the first time - what to do and what not to do.

Choose A Reputable Brand

Whether or not you're using Mane And Tail Shampoo, purchase from a human cosmetic store rather than a pet or animal store. It is a good idea to only use products that have been thoroughly tested for use by humans before buying. Don't worry too much if you can't find one, as all horse shampoos are actually quite similar in make-up to their human counterparts. The product you go for is your choice, ultimately.

Start Off Slowly

The first few times, just put a little horse shampoo on your head. This is because the shampoo may be stronger than the one you are currently using. If you are happy with the results, try adding a little more until you reach your desired effect. The shampoo can be mixed with water also if you need it a little weaker.

Why Not Mix It Up

You may find you don’t need to use Mane And Tail Shampoo more than once or twice a week to keep your hair manageable. There's no reason not to switch to your current shampoo if you want to wash more often than that. You simply need to experiment until you find what, for you personally, is the right way of doing things.

Use A Conditioner

Following the shampooing, it is important to condition your hair. This is even more essential for dried out hair. Mane And Tail Shampoo has an accompanying hair conditioner that works very well in tandem with the shampoo. Start with just a little, and add more each time you use it, until you find what works for you.

By applying these tips you will discover very soon whether or not horse shampoo is right for you. As a general rule, if you have particularly oily hair you won’t benefit from it. For dried out or damaged hair, though, don't hesitate to give it a go.

If you're interested in finding out more about horse shampoo, visit my Mane And Tail Shampoo website now.
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Tags: best practices, horses, health, beauty product, skin allergies, desired effect, manes, reputable brand