10 Ways Photography Can Improve Your Business

By: Dreamer2987 | Posted: 13th April 2011

Photographs are one of the most powerful marketing tools that a business can use to grab a prospective client's attention. They allow a business to present a strong message to customers that no other media is able to do. These images can be presented in an almost unlimited number of ways, it simply depends on the image and how you want to connect with your clients. Photographs can be used on any printable surface, as well as through a LCD or LED display screen.

You can use these images to perform multiple functions, including but not limited to: Conveying an idea or emotion, answer a question or create one, let people know about current/new products and services or to escape into some form of fantasy.

The wonderful thing about photographs is they can get an idea across to clients faster than any other form of advertising. There's no reading, scanning a bulleted list, hunting for a key phrase, or trying to figure out the message. Most people can recall a memorable photograph for days, or even months, after seeing it.

Without further ado here are ten ways you can use photographs to promote your business and increase revenue. Just remember don’t hold back; creativity is your friend.

1. Cards - You can have cards created for you, or you can do it yourself by printing them with card stock sold at office supply stores. Always use a good quality printer. Use cards for thank you notes to clients, for birthdays and anniversaries. They can also be used for various holidays or to announce a new product or service you are offering.

2. T-shirts – T-shirts make wonderful advertising pieces simply because people love to wear T-shirts. They have a huge surface area where you can put both photos and text. T-shirts also last for years, which allows your image be seen for an extended period of time. You can give T-shirts to employees, their families, sell them as fundraisers for nonprofit, pass them out at events, and give them to your own friends and family to help get the word out, as well as any other way you can think of.

3. Coffee mugs – Who doesn’t love a good coffee mug to enjoy a cup of coffee in? You can use your creativity on these, by designing artwork that shows on one side of the mug, or wraps around both sides. It’s your choice whether you want to use ceramic mugs or lightweight insulated plastic mugs. Keep in mind that while ceramic mugs are the most popular they also cost the most to ship. You can have your image printed on them, or if you go with the plastic mugs have inserts put in them to show your images. Distribute the mugs by passing them out at events, giving them out to clients, using them as prizes for contests and any other creative way you can think of.

4. Screensavers and wallpaper - With some creativity and knowledge of graphic design, you can create wallpaper and screensavers that people will want to have on their computer. You have the option to hire a programmer to do it for you or attempt it yourself using the many online resources that are available to you. When done well, clients will see your images over and over again, the repetition keeps the image in their mind longer, which increases the chances of them spreading word about your business to people they know.

5. Photography contest - If you don't have your own images, don’t worry about it, let people supply them for you. You can have a photography contest based on your company's mission. Or you can have a themed photography contest based on your products or services. You could also have a contest to raise funds for a local nonprofit organization.

6. Scratch pads and sticky notes - Everyone uses pads and sticky notes, and since they run out you can keep passing them out, with new images and new marketing messages. Remember that images on pads and notes have to be faint, so people can see what they write on them; don't use images that have fine details on them.

7. Free standing displays - You can have freestanding displays with images that show your business at its best. To get an idea of the options available, check out www.ExhibitExpertsAZ.com.

8. Banners - Banners can be anywhere from a few feet wide for use at tradeshows and conventions, or large enough to hang from the front of your building. Choose the photographs you want to use carefully because people will be driving or walking by the banner quickly, so they will only see it for a second or two. With that in mind chose a photograph that you are confident will grab people’s attention; i.e with bright colors or a stunning image.

9. Car wraps - These are great as you can put photographs, graphics and text onto your company vehicles. It makes a great movable advertising tool that works wherever your vehicle drives or parks. Remember you cannot only cover the car body, but the windows too. Just be sure that the person driving the car is a safe and courteous driver.

10. Billboards – Similar to banners, people only see the billboard for a second or two, so choose your image carefully. However on a busy highway, thousands of people could see your image every day. Many modern billboards use LED technology, which creates beautiful images.

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Tags: phrase, period of time, prospective client, photographs, photograph, emotion, creativity, hunting, wonderful thing, friends and family, holidays, anniversaries, card stock, quality printer, office supply stores, birthdays, surface area, fundraisers