Brush for Wall Painting

By: Jocelyn Apple | Posted: 13th April 2011

Aside from cloth or surface where a fine artist paints his or her visual creations, there are other materials that are equally important to fine arts when we speak of wall painting, per se. Brush is a painter’s ink pen where visual poetry and soulful expression is created.

Imagine a writer less computer technology to be heavily dependent to her ballpoint pen, so is a wall painting artist whose brush is almost not anymore detachable to his hand. Good for writers, she has keyboard not just a substitute but now her main prop to realize her creative mental state. But with visual artist whose passion is wall painting, manual brushing of oil, acrylic, watercolour on to a surface is the only way to paint. The only help digitization provides is that visualization of what is in the creative state of mind can be adjusted or modified prior to its execution.

The artist can try making digital art first just to see what he has on mind in print. He can adjust the colour, its depth, composition, etc. If he is satisfied by what he sees which he thinks perfectly represents what he is thinking, he can now begin to make his brush work from dusk ‘till dawn until it is done, polished, and cured. But those who are expert in the field would go direct to face their canvas and just create several strokes and before you knew it, he has already come up with a very artistic expression or it could even be a very decorative piece.

Most of the wall paintings nowadays that we even see as artworks for sale and are posted online are created by artists who are used to just grabbing their paint brush and work on whatever comes up in their mind. After a day most especially if acrylic is used, that magic works of their paint brush is up for sale for thousands of dollars. This is why painters invest on brush. They have tons of different kinds and different sizes. And these are not collections but these are necessities to actualize what the artist has in mind.

There are brushes made for large spaces and there are those that are used to create fine details. Although we can assume that those who are pro in painting can excellently work with whatever kind of brush you present. Some even paint with their hands. However, there are those who buy art online who are very meticulous with even the materials used in wall painting. So might as well, get prepared and provide this kind of buyers fine details including the types of brushes used to create each stroke. They deserve to know anyway if they wanted to learn everything that is related with their purchase.

The author, Shannon, is the co-founder of Artyii, an online sale platform of Asian emerging artists. He specializes in acquiring quality wall paintings at good prices for art lovers worldwide. He has also assisted those who were looking for artwork for sale and those who loved to buy art online.
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Tags: artistic expression, necessities, computer technology, painters, different kinds, wall paintings, paint brush, ballpoint pen, wall painting