General Information Regarding Sunless Tanning

By: Glenda Dalton | Posted: 12th April 2011

If you don't want to spend hours under the sun to get yourself tanned, you can try out the sunless tanning methods or products. Body tanning without the sun has several advantages over the natural tanning under the sun. First advantage is the time factor. Using the self-tanning creams or lotions can give you great results within few days.

Important Information On Self-Tanning Or Sunless Tanners

You may have to apply the tanning lotion on your body just before you go to bed. And when you have a shower in the following morning, you will surely see the difference. There are instant tanning products and slow-acting tanning products in the market. Depending on your needs, you can choose the desired tanning product. When you are selecting the tanning products, you will have to keep an eye on the ingredients. There are quite a few self-tanning products in the market which use banned ingredients.

Such tanning lotions or ointments can have negative effects on the entire body. Sunless tanners are gaining popularity these days all over the world. You can easily get the sunless tanners from chemists and medical stores because you don't need a doctor's prescription for it. If you don't want to take any chances with your skin, you can visit a doctor and ask for the best sunless tanners. Alternatively, you can visit a dermatologist who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin. A dermatologist will first examine you and your skin and then perform few tests before prescribing any sunless tanners.

When you search the Internet for the best sunless tanners, you will come across several cheap sunless tanners. You will also find end-of-season sales or discounts on the sunless tanners. You should not get fooled by the commercials and meaningless marketing gimmicks. You need to carefully analyze the sunless tanners and then make a prudent decision of buying one of the best.

If you don't want to buy the sunless tanning products or sunless tanners from the online stores, you can directly get into your regular salon and ask for the best sunless tanner. All major salons will have sunless tanners as a part of their products. Before you use the sunless tanners, you need to understand that the sunless tanners cause a chemical action on your skin.

You need to be mentally and physically prepared before you start the application of the sunless tanners. By and large, all people who have used branded sunless tanners don't complain much about the self-tanning products. There are several sunless tanners that contain natural ingredients to increase the efficacy of the tanners. Before you start with the self-tan treatment, you will have to get some comprehensive information about the entire self-tan process.

If you are applying a sunless tanner on your own, you will have to follow the instructions given on the packet or box or the sunless tanner. There is a lot of confusion in the classification of tanning products. This confusion is mainly due to the fact that people don't have the habit of reading about tanners and tanning products.

Some tanning lotions are meant for the outdoors and others are ment for the indoors. You need to read the instructions on the sunless tanning product before using any of them.
If you want to get tanned without being under the sun for long hours, you can try out the sunless tanning or self-tanning products. These are available at
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Tags: important information, dermatologist, physiology, time factor, sunless tanning products, tanning lotion, tanning lotions, ointments, marketing gimmicks, first advantage, chemists, self tanning products, prudent decision, tanning product, medical stores