Portrait Artists

By: Crish | Posted: 11th April 2011

It takes some one really special to draw or paint portraits. These people are called portrait artists. Portrait artists have the ability to capture the true essence of a person and their unique flaws and characteristics that makes them who they are. True portrait artists can make the unique flaws look adorable and all in keeping with the overall theme of the painting or drawing.

Photos are fantastic and can capture the instant pleasure we have in life and that moment of uncontrollable laughter, however, most portrait artists will tell you that a photo simply does not compare to a hand painted or hand drawn portrait.

It is said that photos can only capture that one moment and it is frozen in time. While it is said that hand painted portraits can capture the liveliness in the subjects’ eyes and the true essence of their being.

To be a successful portrait artist, you need to be creative and have a great imagination. You also need to certain amount of natural talent and a good knowledge base. If you have a bit of all the above, you are sure to be very successful. What will take you passed just being ordinary and a bit successful will be your passion and drive. If you have the passion and love of painting or drawing you are sure to be a household name in no time.

You have to work hard and prove yourself to your fellow artists and galleries. You will probably receive a lot of knock backs and a fair amount of criticism and critiquing of your work before you make your own name. So if you are prepared to put in the hard work and are a person who is capable of taking constructive criticism, you will be the one in the masses who makes it. You should also prepare yourself for the fact that you will have a lot of product and general knowledge to learn, so make time for that and always be open to learning new techniques. It will also help if you follow the advice other artists can give you.

All that being said, with the drive and passion you will have nothing. It does not matter how good you paint, draw or sketch, if you do not have an inbuilt love for the art, you will never be truly committed and that will make it hard for you to be satisfied.
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Tags: imagination, passion, liveliness, portraits, true essence, knowledge base, constructive criticism, painting, household name, general knowledge, portrait artist