Understanding Breast Augmentation

By: terrybayer | Posted: 08th April 2011

Many women always want to achieve the best appearance possible. An evident manifestation of this is the ever-growing variety of beauty products and cosmetic surgery procedures available today. Among the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in Los Angeles is breast augmentation. It is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of a woman’s breasts by enhancing or increasing the breasts’ size.

Breast augmentation can be performed through a sub-glandular placement method or a sub-muscular method. In sub-glandular placement, the incision for the implant is made between the breast and chest muscle. The procedure is often less painful and offers easier re-operation possibilities. On the other hand, cosmetic surgeons perform the sub-muscular method by putting the implant behind the chest muscle. Although the process is more painful, it provides results that are less noticeable and more permanent.

Women undergoing breast augmentation can choose between silicone and saline implants. Silicone gel implants are made from elastomer shells pre-filled with a clear, thick substance that approximates the amount of breast tissue needed for the reconstruction. Saline implants are shells that are filled with a sterile saline solution. Saline implants are usually inserted into the body empty; once placed properly in the implant pockets, the implant shells are filled with the saline solution.

Whatever los angeles breast augmentation method and breast implant you choose, there are general benefits that you can expect to enjoy after the procedure. One of the greatest benefits, especially for many women, is improved appearance for the breasts. This helps many women feel more positive about themselves.

Many women opt to undergo los angeles breast augmentation to boost their self-esteem and confidence. After the procedure, these women feel better when wearing clothes such as swimwear, low-cut blouses, and strapless tops. Women may also feel more open to the possibility of breast augmentation because the procedure usually doesn’t interfere with breast functions such as breastfeeding.

A successful los angeles breast augmentation procedure can definitely bring many benefits, aesthetics and otherwise. However, unsuccessful breast augmentation procedures are likely to cause a wide variety of health problems. To avoid these complications, women interested in the procedure should remember to do their homework in choosing the right cosmetic surgeon and the right type of breast implants.
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Tags: pockets, beauty products, breast augmentation, incision, manifestation, shells, breasts, breast tissue, breast implant, cosmetic surgery procedures, saline implants, reconstruction, blouses, silicone gel implants, chest muscle