Memory Foam Mattresses: The guaranteed heal for back pains

By: soumaydip saha | Posted: 07th April 2011

Memory foam mattress is the guaranteed heal for all kind of back pain. It is made of polyurethane. Polyurethane is a urethane of high thickness and compactness. It is capable of resisting a huge substance at the face of strain or pressure. A high thickness mattress is extreme solid to defy the pressure. The mattresses with high solidity will be of more supportive to your back than of the low solidity. Except from polyurethane, memory foam mattresses are also made from different other kinds of chemicals. Chemicals that are added to the mattress foams provide it the capacity to rise in density. Memory foam mattress is also known as Visco elastic polyurethane foam.
This mattress was marketed to meet up the requirement of the people who suffer from insomnia or back pains. The history of the Memory Foam Mattress can be traced back to NASA. The Research Center of NASA financed a project to make mattress foam that will assist the people of NASA to help to alleviate their backache. NASA was assured of the fact that the foam stuff must be used to kowtow to the form and postures of the body. Though creating a shape for the body could have solved the problem, but they thought of something practical, that the person can eventually change his position at the time of sleeping to get proper comfort level. Thus wrong pressure points can be formed all over the body, which can be harmful to you. After so much thinking, the creative team of NASA invented mattress foam that will shape itself according to a man’s body movement. It is basically visco elastic foam which can equally distribute the body weight of a person to the foam surface.
The memory foam mattresses are mainly made of balloons with holes that permit temperate air to getaway effortlessly. This egress of warm air helps the mattress to become less warm, so that a person can get the full comfort lying on a memory foam mattress rather than on a regular mattress. Memory foam mattress is obtainable in both high and low density. High density mattress foam shapes itself at the face of body temperature and low density memory foam acts as a pressure susceptible mattress. The benefit of using memory foam mattress is that it not only shapes itself according to the body postures of a person lying on it, but also it helps to keep the spine in its natural alignment when someone is lying on it. Thus you can be well aware of the fact about how memory foam mattress can prove itself to be useful for all kind of back pains.
You should keep on mind your backbone status before purchasing the memory foam mattress. You have to investigate about which one suits you the most, as if you need a comfortable sleep only in night then you should go for a high density mattress foam whereas if you suffer from back problem, then you must choose the low density foam mattress. You should choose the mattress that meets up your requirements, as there are so many companies selling these mattresses, from them you have to pick the right one. It is necessary for you to have a sound sleep with no aches you may presently feel when you get up in the morning.Click Here and know inforformation about "> Memory foam mattress
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Tags: high density, nasa, postures, foams, balloons, polyurethane foam, urethane, insomnia, backache, back pains, back pain, memory foam mattress, creative team, pressure points, memory foam mattresses, solidity