Why Your Telecom Carrier May Not Be Looking Out For Your Best Interest

By: Susan Cherpak | Posted: 06th April 2011

Many organizations rely on telecom carriers to advise them on the best plans and services for their telecom needs. In fact, many organizations even trust telecom carriers to conduct their own telecom audits. This is not the best strategy, as most carriers are motivated by what’s most profitable for their organization, not yours. Instead of turning to the telecom carriers for advice, consider Telanalysis, an unbiased telecom consulting firm. A leader in telecom management since 1985, Telanalysis conducts comprehensive phone bill audits and IT bill audits to identify billing errors, contract compliance issues and other ways to save money on telecom costs. We can provide the expert guidance needed to lower telecom bills.

It is common for organizations to look to carriers for help in understanding how new offerings and changes in tariffs can impact their telecom costs. However, carrier customer service representatives rarely recommend services that will reduce telecom bills. As telecom carriers’ number-one priority is to protect their profits, anything that will save customers money is contrary to their own goals. At Telanalysis, our independent consultants possess specialized knowledge of the telecom industry to discover billing and contract discrepancies. In reviewing your telecom bills and contracts, we can investigate and suggest alternative plans and services that will help your organization trim costs significantly.

Moreover, it is unlikely that a telecom company will take the initiative to investigate errors in your billing. The shocking truth about the telecom industry is that at least 12 to 15 percent of all carrier billing is charged incorrectly. We have found that 95 percent of our clients have been sizably overbilled in some way or another, whether as an example, unauthorized charges and services or contract compliance issues. The odds are that your organization is spending more on telecom costs than necessary. Our telecom audits typically uncover as much as 20 to 60 percent in savings for our clientele. Working on your behalf, our telecom consultants can even help you get your money back for erroneous charges.

Don’t trust the telecom companies to help your organization save money on telecom billing. Instead, utilize a professional, independent telecom auditing service like Telanalysis with your best interest in mind. Our fee is based on a percentage of the savings we find for your organization, so if we don’t find ways for you to save, your telecom audit won’t cost you anything. Taking advantage of our expert, impartial telecom analysis services is risk-free. Contact us at 1-866-300-6999 to find out more about our telecom auditing, management and consulting services.
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Tags: ways to save money, compliance issues, shocking truth, customer service representatives, expert guidance, telecom industry, independent consultants, customers money, telecom company