10 Winter Skin Care Tips

By: jsocratous | Posted: 05th April 2011

Summer is much benevolent on your skin than winter; the former brings out your glowing radiant skin while the latter, can shock it with strong winds and cold temperature. Your skin becomes flaky, chapped and dry in winter and you need to take proper winter skin care for retaining its glory. According to reports of International Dermal Institute, almost 59% of women said that dry skin was their main problem during winter. If that is your story, here are 10 winter skin care tips you should know:

You may have heard the usefulness of drinking water many times, but very few of us really pay attention to it. But that is a great mistake as dry skin can be combated effectively if you hydrate your skin internally by drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day.

During winter it becomes really important to exfoliate your skin so as to remove dead skin cells. You can use an exfoliating brush or a loofah every time in the shower for retaining a fresh and smooth skin. If you really want to pamper your body, then you can use a good exfoliating scrub as well.

The next important winter skin care tip involves use of moisturizer. It is important to moisturizer all year through, but it becomes really essential during the harsh winter days. Your skin becomes dry during this period and so, as skincarephysicians.com suggest, switch to a moisturizer that is oil based or use an oil-based ointment. Moisture loss will be minimal is such cases leaving your skin supple and soft.

Lip Balm
Along with your skin, your lips are very vulnerable to winter woes. So the next winter skin care tip is on how to keep your lips from becoming chapped and dry during winter. Petroleum jelly or lip balm is your best friend in this regard and also stop the habit of licking your lips now and then as it aggravates the problem of chapped lips.

Avoid Heating
We all love to cuddle up in front of a heat source at full blast during cold winter days. But such a pass time can harm you skin to a great degree. When you close the windows and turn on the heat inside you room, you create a very dry environment indoor that has low humidity. That is why it is better to wear another hoodie instead as such an environment can dry out your skin.

Tepid Showers
Like a hot room can dry our skin, so can hot water. So do not use very hot water while showering but tepid water. Also do not take long showers to avoid drying out your skin.

The next winter skin care tip involves the use of sunscreen, something you do not use or think of using during winter. But skin care expert suggest using a layer of sunscreen while going out in winter as well because sunscreen protects your skin from all kinds of hard weather elements, other than sun.

Flaxseed Oil
Along with using winter skin care tips that will hydrate your skin from outside, you need to keep it hydrated from inside as well. This oil is the best choice you have as it is rich in essential fatty acids which are good for you body in every way. The oil is readily available in form of capsules from your nearest pharmacy.

Swap the Soap
Your skin can feel taut and deprived of essential oils if you use wash off cleansers or soap during winter. That is why use a creamy, rich cleanser for nourishing and balancing your skin.

Hats and Gloves
The last skin care tip is regarding something most people overlook during winter; and that is protecting the skin on their hands, neck and chest. The best way of doing that is just wearing a good quality gloves and scarf.

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Tags: radiant skin, dead skin cells, exfoliate, smooth skin, heat source, cold winter days, skin care tips, moisturizer, loofah, chapped lips, petroleum jelly, moisture loss, harsh winter, cold temperature