Phruit’s Data Cleansing Service

By: Maria Backer | Posted: 05th April 2011

If you own a business, you must know what Data Cleansing service is and why it is important. This is a service that cleans, updates, and makes your consumer and business database accurate. All companies and organisations should look forward to Data Cleansing if they want their communications to reach the right people at the right time.

You may have a business or consumer database which is not updated for a long time; this can be a huge loss from the business perspective. There may be consumers on your list who have not made you aware of updates; and you are still sending them direct mails. Therefore, it is advisable to keep updating the consumer and business database at regular intervals. This will ensure you that you are communicating to the right people at the right addresses.

Businesses that are based in the UK or offshore can seek the Data Cleansing services of Phruit Limited. This company is located in Nottinghamshire and is reputed for their Call Centre services.

Why to use Phruit’s Refresh service?

If you are using Refresh from Phruit, you are already a gainer. This Data Cleansing service has been designed for perfectly sustaining the fresh feel of your business and consumer database. The service also does away with all the possibilities of low marketing response rates, huge campaign costs and negative consumer perception.

The service has been planned really well to help increase your business efficiency, and also help in reducing the risks and costs. Refresh make sure that all communications are in accordance with the latest regulations which govern the business and consumer communications.

A look at Refresh service in details

Refresh service has been categorised for serving you better. Secure cleansing is offered by Phruit together with the right service for enhancing your consumer and business data. Phruit makes use of many leading data sources for enhancing the accuracy, quality and recency of your consumer and business database.

Refresh Clean is a service that cleans and updates all the names, phone numbers and contact addresses of the communications in your database. You will be assured that communication is possible with the intended recipients only.

Refresh Validate is another service from Phruit that ensures all the contact information of consumers and businesses are current and correct. You will also be assured that your direct mails will be deliverable to the right recipients.

Refresh Suppress enables you to identify the individuals who are not responding or are unable to respond to your communications owing to factors like absence, bereavement and preference services registration. Wastage costs and customer annoyance will also reduce considerably due to this service.

Refresh Enhance is another well formulated service from Phruit Limited that uses extra information for ensuring that the right offers are targeted at the intended people only.

Refresh Match service lets you determine the duplicate records accurately. This is another great way for reducing consumer annoyance and wastage costs.

Phruit Limited is a well known Call Centre service provider. They incorporate cost effective measures and latest technologies in fulfilling your business requirements.
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Tags: possibilities, long time, response rates, organisations, intervals, right time, business data, business perspective, business efficiency, business database, data sources, nottinghamshire