How To Get Paid To Take Pet Pictures

By: mikesil whitten | Posted: 05th April 2011

Just like other family members, pets are also an essential part of the family. No wonder people love to take so many pictures of their pets. The pets are not very supportive when they are being clicked. When you wish to photograph your pet, you should have a lot of patience and photo film before starting the job. While clicking your pet, you can do without a special camera.

An amazing fact about pet photography is that some of the greatest pictures have been clicked by standard cameras. You can use your camera phone to take standard images and still get high quality pictures which can be hung on walls. You can use 35mm camera for crisp and sharp images. Wait for the pet to come into the focusing area while having the image pre-focused is the best alternative for you.

For example, a cat will easily be attracted by a spool of thread. So, to get a series of natural snaps, focus on the thread and shoot when the cat discovers it. A lot of photographers suggest making noises when photographing your pet, especially if it's a dog. If you want some good expressions, use some music to distract dogs and then take pictures. Make use of pre-focus in this case as well.

Ask another person to throw a Frisbee or a bone on a particular spot where you'd focus, and as soon as your dog enters the frame, you could start clicking amazing pictures of your dog in action. Kids and pets always produce great pictures when they are playing with each other.

Following these tips would add impact to your pet shots. When photographing a child playing with a pet, try to get as low as possible. You would need to slouch to get the picture from the same level as your child and pet. Get as close as possible and let the animal fill the frame. Just like people, pets have distinct facial expressions that only a close up can capture.

And when trying to shoot birds in a cage, you need to do a tight close to make the bars disappear. The same technique could be used to photograph fish in an aquarium. Try to get plenty of good shots. If you wish to get great pet shots, you will need to be patient.

Take advantage of the situation when your pet is being cooperative and click a lot of pictures without being stingy about the film. According to professional photographers, the more number of pictures you take more is the number of classic pictures you would get from the batch. So make way for alluring snaps by going on a snapping spree! When your pet is not ready for the pictures, you would need to take more pictures to get a few good shots.

A spool of thread is capable of attracting your cat. So, to get a series of natural snaps, focus on the thread and shoot when the cat discovers it. Some photographers say a little noise can also help, especially when taking photographs of your pet dog. When a dog is attracted to noise, you may get completely different reactions and you could capture it with your camera. Here too, pre-focusing is important.

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Tags: images, high quality, patience, job, dogs, facial expressions, aquarium, pets, photographers, family members, birds, fish, slouch, frisbee, cameras, spool