Buy carbon credits

By: Beatrice Lily | Posted: 01st April 2011

Buying carbon credits

The experts say that the worlds industries and consumers are contributing to climate change through our carbon emissions. There is now a greater need than ever to reduce carbon emissions and buying carbon credits is one way of offsetting emissions. Carbon credits are a way of investing in carbon reduction projects as one carbon credit is equal to one metric tonne of carbon not released into the atmosphere.

Calculating your carbon foot print

A good place to start is using a useful website to calculate your carbon foot print online and see what you are releasing into the atmosphere. Houses, cars, diet, flying, recycling and waste are all factors that affect your carbon foot print and knwoing exactly what your foot print is will give you a good idea of how many carbon credits you will need to buy.

Become carbon neutral

There are now many sources from which to purchase carbon credits wether it is a broker or company or onlien source. Some avenues are best for actually investing to make a profit, others are more for helping the environment and lowering you carbon foot print. However any source from which you purchase from will allow you to become more socially and environmentally responsible.

Buying carbon credits for investment

When looking for a return on investment as opposed to actually helping offset your own emissions, carbon credits can still provide a strong option. Indeed many of the largest financial institutions are buying up carbon credits not so much to reduce or offset their own emissions but with their bottom lines in mind. They know as well as the average investor does that many companies will be obligated to buy up credits to offset their emissions. This therefore represents a method of speculation for investors to supply them at a cost and hopefully a profit.

Reduce your emissions

Finally reducing your emissions is a good way to not have to buy so many credits. Simple actions such as replacing old light bulbs with energy efficient ones, turning off appliances when not in use and other seemingly trivial actions can make a huge differences. Using public transport and reducing plane journeys can collectively reduce emissions greatly and a collective social conscience can go a long way to lowering the worlds emissions.

Carbon credits are not so much a solution to carbon emissions as it still takes a collective action to reduce emissions. However investing in carbon offsetting projects is a good step forward in changing attitudes towards the environment and the need to change our ways with regards to our energy consumptions and emissions.

The experts say that the worlds industries and consumers are contributing to climate change through our carbon emissions. There is now a greater need than ever to reduce carbon emissions and buying carbon credits is one way of offsetting emissions.
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Tags: avenues, speculation, consumers, return on investment, atmosphere, investors, light bulbs, diet, financial institutions, investor, recycling, climate change, helping the environment, carbon emissions, bottom lines, foot print