Effects of application tracking system in mobile telephone technology

By: CEM4Mobile Solutions | Posted: 01st April 2011

Application tracking solutions have become an important channel for companies to track and carry out market research. Nowadays many companies are utilizing mobile phone devices as their primary means of data collection or respondent participation and this has made it faster to carry out research on current market trends. Application tracking systems are one of the techniques used by mobile phone survey companies to carry out their data collection. The popularity of the technique is growing as more and more people get connected through mobile phones.

Application tracking solutions have greatly emerged as the preferred tool of communication between various market research companies and their intended target which is the consumers. This is mainly because of the speed and relative ease of carrying out mobile phone research. There are many Application tracking system providers and it is now easier to find them thorough the internet. Mobile phone market research has overtaken online surveys as the preferred means of conducting research. This has been brought about by the fact that most people own mobile phones and that not all the mobile phone owners have access to internet. The immediate response that comes with use of the mobile phone to carry out research has also contributed to the success of this market analysis tool.

There has been a transition of the capabilities that were once only available on the internet to the mobile phone and this realization has not been lost to market researchers. The use of application tracking systems to carry out research is richer in terms of gathering information than the simple two-way text message. Application tracking solutions are used by product and service providers to get information on the general market response to what they have to offer. The fact that there are three times as many mobile phone subscriptions than there are internet connections points to the unlimited wealth of information and untapped potential of this market research tool.

The mobile phone is supported by a global network infrastructure that can deliver massive volumes of traffic seamlessly and this means that market researchers can reach as many people as they want and be able to access a huge wealth of information. Application tracking solutions bridge the gap between market researchers with the intended target i.e. the consumers who have mobile phone subscriptions. The use of application tracking systems provides researchers with a simple, fast, reliable and unobtrusive means of gathering market information.

Mobile phone application tracking systems have unlimited potential as market research tools and their use is expected to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years. There are many companies which offer application tracking solutions and therefore customers can choose the ones which best suit their needs.

For more information about Application tracking solution , please visit http://www.cem4mobile.com/ and also visit our blog http://mobile-customer-experience-management.blogspot.com/
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Tags: analysis tool, target, gathering information, fact that most people, internet connections, survey companies, current market, market trends, conducting research, mobile phone market, market researchers, mobile phone owners, system providers