Beneficial Uses of Zinc and Zinc Moisturizers for Sun Protection

By: Vivoderm | Posted: 31st March 2011

Have you ever heard of “Zinc?” You might be familiar with Zinc as a nutritional mineral that is necessary for good health, or many of you may remember the golden days of the 80’s when brightly colored neon Zinc facial creams were all the rage on the ski slopes and on the beaches.

Well, those days have passed and Zinc has come a long way. Micro-fine Zinc Oxide used in today’s skincare and sun protection are far improved from the old, thick, white predecessor. While this is a fairly new trend, many natural skincare fans may have already known about the benefits of Zinc in their skin care.

Today’s zinc creams have been specially formulated to blend in almost invisibly and are barely noticeable. Because of this new micro-formulation, many natural skincare products have now introduced Zinc (also known as Zinc Oxide) into their product lines.

Primarily, Zinc is known for its ability to protect skin from the sun. Damaging UV rays are your skin’s worst enemy. While experts advise a daily dose of sun for maximum health and Vitamin D absorption, once you go over the 10 to 15 minute mark, you are suddenly in “skin damage” territory.

Even if you think you hardly ever get harmful sun exposure since you never “lie out in the sun” or purposefully go to “get a tan” you might be surprised just how quickly the sun can do its damage. One of the best ways to protect your skin against this every day exposure is to use a daily moisturizing cream that contains Zinc.

While many products on the market are specifically sold to be a sun protectant, they may contain loads of other chemicals that are harmful for your skin to absorb every day. You want to try your best to avoid harmful parabens, toxic chemical formulations and other preservatives that have little to no value in an every facial moisturizer.

Natural zinc moisturizers might also contain herbal ingredients that will help soothe and heal your skin. Look for formulations that contain Chamomile, Comfrey, Green Tea or Aloe vera – all excellent natural skin healers.

The best way to ensure you are keeping your skincare regime healthy and natural is to read the labels. Always be aware of what you are putting on your skin. It is just as important as what you eat. Your skin absorbs every chemical you slather on to it, so always be cautious. If you suffer from redness, bumps, or scaly, itchy skin, you could be experiencing an allergic reaction to a chemical in your skincare or every day toiletries. Always read the label.
Once you know you are using the right formulation, you can feel free to use it liberally if needed.

Natural zinc sun protection can be found in natural sunscreen products that are specifically designed for prolonged sun use – such as heading to the pool or the beach for the day. Alternatively, a light natural zinc moisturizer with a limited amount of zinc minerals can be used every day and will give your skin a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15-20. That is more than sufficient for running every errands such as getting in and out of your car or driving short distances.

Once you know you will spend longer amounts of time in the sun, you can choose a heavier zinc cream or sun screen, that might contain more “white tint” zinc particulates and stronger SPF but will do the best job of keeping your skin safe from UV rays.

©2011 R Dupree. All Rights Reserved.
©2011 Vivoderm Natural Skincare

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Tags: new trend, all the rage, sun exposure, comfrey, uv rays, green tea, zinc oxide, aloe vera, ski slopes, facial moisturizer, maximum health, skin damage, moisturizing cream, sun protection, herbal ingredients, facial creams, natural skincare products