How to Start Louisville Recycling At Work

By: Joseph Pope | Posted: 29th March 2011

Everyone should be aware by now that with the recent climate change, strange animal deaths, and many more events that our world is crying out for help. If we don't change how wastefully we live, we will surely suffer from their negative consequences. Luckily, practicing green lifestyles both at home and in the workplace have become more common in the recent years. We can all do what we can to lessen the amount of waste that we produce, and a great way to do that is to start recycling. The places that we work also have much to gain from recycling as huge industries are notorious for creating so much waste. A Louisville recycling company, Blue Sky Recycle recently gave us their expert advice, in case anyone wanted to get into recycling at the workplace.

1. Implement a recycling group at work- Blue Sky recycle, the Louisville recycling company that we consulted with says that if only one person was in charge of recycling for a whole company, then the chance of success is slim. Ensure that work recycling is followed through by forming teams or groups that can recycle together. A group of interested employees can meet up and set up a recycling program in place.

2. Determine what materials at work can actually be recycled- Louisville recycling experts, Blue Sky Recycle says a suggested first step is to start a program is to perform a waste audit. A waste audit is important because it makes it easier to see the inventory or amount and type of solid waste created at a certain location. In your own waste audit, watch out for the following:
• office paper
• magazines and catalogs
• newspaper
• cardboard
• aluminum cans
• plastic bottles
• ink jet cartridges and ink toner

3. Have a conversation with your property manager- You may not be aware that it exists, but there might already be existing recycling programs in your neighborhood. Why not learn if there are any recycling programs,saysLouisville recycling experts by askingyour property manager. In fact, your property manager might even go the extra mile to provide you with office paper, cardboard, aluminum can and plastic bottle recycling not only for you, but for all of the tenants in the vicinity. A great incentive you can always tell your property manager about is that getting into recycling can dramatically reduce cost on waste disposal.

If for some reason, your property manager cannot provide recycling for your needs, then it is time to meet with your team and see what you can do to recycle. Decide on what materials you are able to recycle and the best way to recycle them.

We hope we, with Blue Sky recycle's help, have given you the start needed so you can begin your own office recycling programs. Recycling may seem like a challenge at first, but when you practice it everyday, you create a great habit that you can also take at home. Recycling has many advantages, and you are well aware of what they are. As clichι as it may sound, let's all start recycling in order to help out our troubled planet.
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Tags: expert advice, neighborhood, negative consequences, catalogs, lifestyles, cardboard, blue sky, plastic bottles, climate change, solid waste, recycling company, aluminum cans