Green house, an utopia or a real possibility?

By: MartinaPP | Posted: 29th March 2011

Green house is one of the fetish of this millennium, a type of object to research ideally but, particularly in Italy, is not really stimulated with attention to the peculiar characteristics of regional and national trade.
Starting from the beginning, or better from where the green house and particularly the wooden house are reality, we need to do a meticulous analysis of the characteristics of national trade and bureaucratic and social contest in which those types of house goes to insert themselves. Surely in North Europe the attention to environment and all the practice those are related to the respect of the environment are particularly heartfelt united to a sensibility very different from the one that is present in Italy or in another similar nations. This particular felling has developed detailed plain and use of environment-friendly behavior self-motivated by the citizens. Those are waste collection with differences between the type of garbage, the realization of wooden house for habitable use, the use of green-friendly cars and all the methods for energy saving with the green energy for houses, industries and social buildings like schools.

A privileged contest in which wooden houses are the perfect house and symbol of the sensibility of those people and nations. In the nations those applies those construction-methods the construction of an house is immediate and very easy. Just thinking to the bureaucratic process that is required in Italy for the construction of a simple house like the first contact with the professional or the city office and all the documents only to obtain the building permit. In Germany, just to do an example as soon as near, we need only to choose our house and all the work beyond will be due by the firm. In fact every firm of those products has intern technician and expert those will do all the requests to city office and obtain all the right permission for the construction of the house. For this those type of green building is very used in those countries and adopted like first house. This is only one of the point those have developed the use o those building abroad from Italy. So is important to make differences between different trade and markets for every country because is important make offers those bring some vantages for the citizen and refer to reality and real difficulties.

Is clear in fact how difficult is the market of wooden house in Italy is share to assert in Italy even though these products have the undoubted privileges compared to the other types of home. In fact in Italy the market of architects and professionals of construction is very different from all other country and those professional cannot limited themselves to the mere installation of the house but they need to bring their particular contribution giving particular characteristic. Those particular type of house have already set out their design and therefore required exclusively the installation. For then the emergence of these housing units is not sufficient merely to the present economic proposal, the process of awareness and habits of accommodation is still very long and requires the excess jointly by both local and state both by individuals.

This article was written by Martina Celegato, with support from copertura tetto.
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Tags: citizens, garbage, first contact, realization, italy, cars, green house, germany, construction methods, millennium, green energy, building permit