Entertain your Children with Online Kids Comic Books

By: prodandeli | Posted: 28th March 2011

Reasonable parents would not like to keep their children idle for long because as we know, a young idle mind looks for mischievous things to do, but when it doesn’t, if finds tantrums to throw. You wouldn’t want to be stuck in the house with three screaming kids now. Would you?

To prevent your cozy home from turning into a war zone or to introduce calm and educative play time for your kids as you find that quiet time alone or with your spouse, why not introduce you and your children to a graphic novels site with kids comic books? Introducing, http://www.operationextermination.com. Welcome to Vinny the Bug Man website! This is a 3D adventure into the lives of bugs. It has movie clips, studio pictures and galleries of these tiny little crawling insects. Do you or your kids go wow! Or eew when you see an insect? Do you immediately pounce on it with a slipper or do you all surround it and start examining it with curious eyes?

Whatever your reaction, you will find this website very interesting as a pastime activity with your kids. To begin with, click on the bugs’ gallery and check out all the bug pictures. See what Vinny the bug man has been up to.Check out all the cartoon characters in silly situations. Your kids are bound to laugh all the way as this graphic novel is filled with humor and fun.

Kids’ comic books should also be educative and this website knows too well how to do that. Check out the online coloring pages. Do your kids show any interest in art? Do they like coloring with their crayon? This graphic novel is all about nurturing young talent. Just click on coloring pages and chose whether you want your kids to color on paper or using the mouse. If on paper, chose the cartoon character that they fancy, print it and let the art begin!

The site has also got many puzzles that you together with kids can solve together. All you need to do is to click on any puzzle that you like and start racking your brains to bring the pieces back together. There are several puzzles to choose from and you can use the mouse to move the pieces around until the final picture is complete.

Finally, get your kids their own cartoon character screen saver from this graphic novel. All you need to do is just click on thee link that matches your computer’s screen resolution, follow two more steps and you’ve got your screen saver! You can do this all over again as the site will not bore your kids easily.

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Tags: pastime, brains, crayon, cartoon characters, quiet time, play time, cartoon character, movie clips, tantrums, insect, war zone, comic books, graphic novels, coloring pages