Big Shoulders Chicago - Filming In Chicago

By: | Posted: 28th March 2011

One of the studios where you can film in Chicago is Big shoulders Chicago. This is a studio that can take you from pre-production to post production. As Chicago is getting an increasing amount of business from the entertainment industry, film production Chicago has quadrupled in recent years. Add this up with the amount of money that is being donated by notable celebrities such as Robert De Niro and you will see that there is a considerable force to make filming in Chicago something that is on the rise.

In the old days, filming took place in two cities. For the movies, it was mostly Los Angeles, or Hollywood as it was called. This is where most of the studios were during the Golden Age when the studios ruled the roost. When it came to television, a great deal of this was broadcast live from New York. New York City and Los Angeles were where all the action was when it came to any filming going on for entertainment. By the 1960s, most of the television filming had migrated to Los Angeles as well, particularly after the success of I Love Lucy, one of the only television programs to film in Los Angeles and not broadcast live from New York.

Today, there are still the big studios in California, but they no longer hold the clout they once did. The golden age is over and the stars do not have to sign contracts that limit them to working only for one studio. There are also many independent production companies as well. Some of these are owned by writers, actors, directors and others who want to be able to see their own work on the screen as opposed to being beholden to the major studios. Most people know that the major studios are not risk takers and never put out anything other than what they know will bring in box office revenue. This is why the Academy Award for best picture normally never goes to a major studio picture any longer but rather to an independent or foreign film.

Big Shoulders Chicago is a production company that can steer some of the movie business to the Windy City. In fact, there has been a lot of film production Chicago in recent years and right now it is on par with Los Angeles as far as how much filming is going on. There are studio cities in the Chicago area as well as filming that is taking place all over the city at just about any given time. The only thing that Los Angeles has over Chicago is the weather. It can be too cold to film out doors at certain times of the year, although there are plenty of indoor studios in the city as well.

Those who are looking for quality film production Chicago should take a look at the studios that are available and what they can do for them. They can do everything from create commercials, sizzle reels to full sized motion pictures. There is a great deal of excitement to have movies filmed in the Chicago area. If you are an artist or if you just want to film, then you may want to take a look at what filming in Chicago can do for you.

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If you are an artist or if you want to film in Chicago, take a look at Big Shoulders Chicago . To find out more about Film Production Chicago , go to On Airr.
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Tags: amount of money, clout, risk takers, television programs, celebrities, 1960s, box office, entertainment industry, roost, film production