Refresh Your Business and Consumer Database with Phruit's Help

By: Maria Backer | Posted: 23rd March 2011

Data Cleansing or data scrubbing is a service that is required by every company or organization for running smoothly. If your consumer or business database is cluttered, full of wrong information and not updated for a long time, chances are that you will lose out on many business prospects. It is to be noted that business and consumer data has a lot of important information, which can change constantly on a daily basis. Businesses often; in such cases, it is necessary to make the appropriate changes in the database, so that you are not continuing to send direct mail to a wrong address. If you do not want to let this happen and have a business that is based in the UK or offshore, you have Phruit Limited at your service.

Phruit Limited is located in Nottinghamshire and offers its high quality Call Centre services to its many clients. The services include Lead Generation, Market Research, Hotkey Transfer, Telesales, and Data Cleansing. The company goes out of its way to meet your business needs within the specified deadline. You will never have to regret hiring Phruit’s services and will be delighted to experience their professionalism and dedication.

Refresh – a gift from Phruit

Phruit has named its Data Cleansing service Refresh. This service from Phruit offers secure cleansing as well as the enhancement of your business and consumer data. The company makes use of several leading data sources for improving the quality, accuracy and updating of your data.

Refresh Clean is the service that is responsible for cleaning and updating the names, telephone numbers and contact information of all your communications. This ensures that you will be able to communicate your message to the intended recipients only.

Refresh Validate service from Phruit makes sure that the contact details for the businesses and consumers are accurate and present. This ensures that all the direct mails are deliverable and will reach the right people.

Refresh Suppress is the service to identify individuals who are unable or not interested in responding to your communications. This may be due to several reasons such as absence, preference services registration, and bereavement. This service is handy in reducing customer annoyance as well as wastage costs.

Refresh Enhance uses additional information for making sure that the appropriate offers are aimed at the right individuals only.

Refresh Match is the ideal service for identifying all the duplicate records. This also reduces consumer annoyance and wastage.

The benefits

Refresh Data Cleansing service from Phruit helps sustain the freshness of your consumer and business database. The service protects your business from being faced with negative impacts on the marketing response rates, consumer perception and campaign costs.

Refresh is also well planned and designed to tackle all business issues by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and even reducing risks. The service also ensures that all the communications abide by the recent regulations that govern the consumer and business communications.

Phruit Limited is a reputed Call Centre service provider which offers services to UK and offshore based businesses. It offers cost effective solutions to all business issues.
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Tags: contact details, important information, long time, market research, direct mail, telephone numbers, professionalism, daily basis, dedication, enhancement, business prospects, business database, data sources, nottinghamshire