Health Checks Everyone Should Do Often

By: Darrell LaPolla | Posted: 21st March 2011

There are a lot of people who refuse to visit a doctor until they feel so sick that they are concerned they cannot take care of themselves anymore. The truth is that many of the more severe illnesses out there could easily be cured early on or avoided altogether if people just kept better track of their health. This means that, despite the fact that you feel good, you need to check out quite a few things on a regular basis. Here are a number of the most significant health checks that you should be doing on a regular basis.

Nobody is too old to get their height assessed. There is a real and sincere reason that your doctor--no matter which kind you might be visiting--that you are asked to stand against the height chart on the wall just before every examination. People really do shrink when they get older. People lose around half an inch of height over the course of each decade after they turn forty. After a person gets to the age of seventy, this amount increases. If you happen to be shedding more than that or are losing height before you turn forty this may be a sign of osteoporosis or other health problems. This is why you should continue a close watch on your height, even if you only measure your height at home.

You really need to monitor your blood pressure. Lots of health problems relate back to blood pressure--problems just like hypertension, heart attacks as well as strokes. You want your blood pressure to remain low--obviously definitely not too low--but within the healthy range for your age, weight and height. Ask your doctor where your blood pressure ought to be and then get it checked out regularly to make sure that you're still in a healthy place. Just about each and every pharmacy and grocery store employ a blood pressure checker that you could use for free or for a very low price. If the numbers seem different than they ought to ask your physician why the numbers could be off and what you can do to get them back on track. Keeping your blood pressure in a healthful range can help you avoid a lot of problems.

Check your hearing regularly. Most of us don't realise that we have started to lose our hearing until it is too late. Loss of hearing can result in loss of cognitive function as well as thoughts of isolation and other negative psychological issues. If you can find free screenings locally, take advantage of them and always ask your doctor to do regular checks whenever you are in for a visit. This will help you to take preventative steps to protect your hearing for as long as you can.

This may not seem like all that big a deal but the genuine truth is that they all contribute to our overall health right now and as we age. The actual truth is that you have to pay attention to your body and what is happening inside of it. Even small changes could be symptoms of major issues. Ask your medical professional which kind of troubles you should be looking out for and what you ought to check regularly.
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Tags: truth, checker, decade, heart, strokes, ra, health problems, grocery store, hypertension, illnesses, close watch, pharmacy, osteoporosis, significant health