Internet and teenagers: an impossible control?

By: MartinaPP | Posted: 21st March 2011

Internet and children is one of the issues that raises the most interest here and much more experienced communicators always to understand what are the psychological and communicative processes that come into play when it comes to dynamic "virtual".
Fortunately, the sensitivity of these scholars has led to develop many tips and practical guides that can help the parents to monitor and "to secure" their children and monitor the welfare of children safe online. Because many times the abuse, or the risks they are exposed especially the younger ones, be they children or teenagers do not care, are not caused unconsciousness of self, but by the 'ignorance' of parents who did not know the web world and the risks of those arrangements for monitoring or screening of the risks that can easily make navigation safe and peaceful.

Just think of the use of social network, true centers of socialization, which the younger think that is real life and in some cases can compromise the real life too. Not a few cases rose to the headlines that tell of girls and boys persecuted on Facebook or other networks, a stalking but is not recognized as a veiled by the thin layer of virtuality, but in reality more real than life itself, a result that comes from the little attention in safe navigation. Episodes like this can indeed affect not only the physical well-being of a person despite his consistent emotional development and socialization.
If a child signs up to Facebook (just take the best known of the social networks), unless the parent is not in writing and also be part of its contacts can never know who and how many people the child can be in touch. Much more will never come to know which of them the son every day and chat with those you meet outside, in real life.

A recent survey conducted by Microsoft and presented at the Safer Internet Day has shown that, among teenagers Italians, who now represent the most vulnerable segments in total, 40% say they themselves choose to impose limits on access your profile while 15% say they do not take no limits of this kind. 60% of teens interviewed say they have been contacted by a stranger using the social network, the most common form of solicitation, including the 48% blocked contact, 37% accepted the request to satisfy his curiosity and 7 % had not informed their parents.

But the most worrying fact that emerges from this investigation and other content: 32% of Italian parents said not to control the behavior of children in any way within the network. Of course, without falling into alarmism, it is clear that a parent classified as non-digital native as a child cannot control every step of the child, but with a little effort, you can still avoid having to run unnecessary risks. How? Well, by establishing clear rules and precise as those who have always established the use of television, school and sports, then regulating the use at certain times and contexts, directing attention to other activities and dialogue is always in openly with their children, the only way to understand them and also provide that balance their need to overcome difficult moments.

This article was written by Martina Celegato, with support from navigaresicuri.
For any information please visit sicurezza dei bambini, or visit telefono genitori

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Tags: parents, headlines, social networks, signs, web world, teenagers, welfare, communicators, socialization, emotional development, girls and boys, italians, thin layer, younger ones