How Custom-branded Smartphone Mobile Apps Can Add Value to Your Business

By: Ashley Forrester | Posted: 20th March 2011

Do you wish to build goodwill among long term clients by giving them some kind of gift that they would be able to use every day? Have you considered giving them customized smartphone apps? These could be great gifts for tech savvy customers, who own smartphones and carry those around all day. Simply gift them smartphones branded with the name of your company, and they will reward it with loyalty, for a long time to come.
However, your primary concern should be about finding the best mobile apps developer firm that can take care of the development of the app. After all, if the app is not bug-free and fun to use, why would your customers want to use it, even if it is offered for free? This is how you can locate reputable Smartphone developers:
1. Decide on the type of app you want: Which kind of app do you wish to gift to your customers? Make the decision about this before you proceed any further. Do you wish to provide them with a reminder tool that they can use to make their everyday life easier? Or do you wish to gift them a game that will entertain them in their leisure times? Each kind of app will have its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
2. Search on the internet: Almost any self-respecting developer would have a website highlighting the best apps they have ever developed. So, get clicking on popular search engines with search terms like mobile apps download, smartphone mobile apps, and so on. You should come across details about a good number of developers pretty soon.
3. Check reputation of the developers: Once you have built a list of developers who can take care of the development tasks, confirm that they have excellent reputation in the market. Visit their websites, and check the testimonials provided by clients there. That should serve as a fair estimate of the quality of service that the developers are able to provide. Also, only approach developers who have been around for at least a few years. That way, you can be assured that they would know something about the latest trends in the ever-evolving app market.
4. Call up the developers: After you have shortlisted a handful of developer firms, start calling them up one by one. Discuss your requirements, and mention how quickly you need the app developed. Be sure to mention that the app will have to be branded with the name of your company. Without that, you cannot hope to gain any benefit from giving the app in the first place.
5. Discuss the budget before you seal the deal: Of course, the fees that the developer asks for should fit within your company budget. You should not have to break the bank in order to get a single app developed. Have a talk with them if the price seems too steep, and negotiate if necessary.
Smartphone mobile apps can make great gifts for tech savvy individuals. So, go ahead and get high quality apps developed for your customers today. If nothing else, this will allow you to build a stronger relationship with your clients.
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Tags: search terms, testimonials, long time, game, goodwill, popular search engines, developers, reputation, loyalty, everyday life, quality of service, great gifts