Richmond Implants and Possible Complications

By: Shawn Wilkerson | Posted: 17th March 2011

Richmond implants or dental implants are actually that procedure where there is permanent replacement of an artificial tooth. The Richmond Cosmetic dentistry group installs Richmond implantswith the purpose of replacing missing tooth or a damaged tooth. Although the leading reason that implants are put in are due to the betterment of one's looks, the Richmond cosmetic dentistry team also credit implants for improvement of one's jaw shape. There are numerous benefits to getting Richmond implants and dental implants in general. However, before patients agree to them, it may be beneficial to learn about the possible disadvantages associated with them too. Here, we will give you 3 of the most common complaints associated with dental implants. Learn the basics about these complaints, and if ever you find yourself suffering from them, see your doctor right away!

1. Peri- Implantitis- Dentists, when putting in Richmond implants or dental implants are always careful that their patients do not getperi- implantitis. Peri-implantitis is one of the leading causes of dental implant failure.Due to the growth of some bacteria or other microbes, infection develops at the implant site and peri-implantitis occurs. This condition is one of the most common problems associated with dental implants. Common signs of peri-implantitis involve swelling of the tissues surrounding the area of the implant site. Peri-implantitis, when left untreated, can actually lead to damage of the jawbone.

2. Nerve damage- nerve damage is among the common complaints that dentists also look out for when dealing with dental implants. Nerve damage may happen if implants are planted very near the nerve, or even with some cases, on top of the nerve. Patients can immediately tell if there is nerve damage. It is a usually unbearablypainful and a very uncomfortable feeling. If a patient has somenerve damage, the dentist has to remove the implant and plant it at another spot.

3. Sinus problems- When dental implants are attached on the upper jaw, there is always a risk for patients to develop sinus problems. Sinus complications may happen when the implant disturbs any of the sinus cavities. Sinus problems are manifested through sinusitis, or complaints of painful sinuses. Like nerve damage, the best way to remedy sinus problems would be to remove the implant and slightly move it to another area.

Before agreeing to have dental implants installed, any patient would benefit to know about the pros and cons of the operation. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor about some of the disadvantages, so you walk into the procedure fully informed and educated. A good dentist will willingly educate you and help you make the right choice for your best interests.

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Tags: failure, signs, shape, richmond, dentists, bacteria, dentist, betterment, nerve damage, microbes, tissues, sinus problems, jawbone, dental implants, artificial tooth, dental implant, cosmetic dentistry