Get To Know All About Dubai Expat

By: Sunil.S | Posted: 14th March 2011

Caucasians mostly from Europe, US, Canada, Australia, and South Africa covet the administrative and managerial positions in Dubai.

Numerous blue collar and small business owners are from India, South Asian (i.e. Pakistanis), Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis. There are many Filipinos (Philippines) in Dubai as well.

A Typical Working Day

Since there are separate residential, financial, educational, religious, and recreational areas in Dubai, it might take more time for you to get to your workplace. Due to the fact that working hours start a bit late in the morning when compared with Western nations, numerous expats indulge in morning exercise. Expect to spend 8-10 hours in the office and then meet up friends and colleagues for drinks at the happy hour nearby. Get home later, have a late dinner, shower, watch TV or go out and about your business. The really popular activities of youngsters are idling time at malls, nightclubs and pubs.


The most preferred accommodations are apartments and condominiums. They are more affordable, centrally located and easier to find. Dubai Apartments by far are the most affordable and the most popular housing choice in Dubai. Some expat families, particularly high paid ones, live in full size Dubai Villas.


You'll rarely see white collar working expats in public transportation. Majority of those executives have their own automobiles. It is really easy to buy an automobile in Dubai and could be done by any person. Interest rates are also very low making it easy and affordable in order to secure an auto loan.


You will find most expats are always out dining. They do not waste their time cooking and cleaning at house although domestic help is cost effective and available. Expats with families tend to do this more. Several people decide to get delivery orders as food is cheap and eating establishments do not take delivery charges. There are restaurants all over Dubai and you’ll find food from around the world.


Since Dubai is an emirate in the Islamic nation of UAE (United Arab Emirates), weekends commence on Fridays. Again, dining out, bars and nightclubs are popular activities. Due to its geographical location, Dubai has long hot summers and short cool summers with the temperatures ranging from 0 to 50 (degrees Celsius). Thus numerous meat lovers enjoy public barbecue parties organized at the public beaches and parks.

Various expat families catch up with groceries, shopping and phone calls over the weekend. Very rarely does anyone do housework since most expatriates rent and not own their houses. There is no incentive to do housework.

Dubai is also popular for water activities as well as desert activities like the safari and dune bashing. You will see some expats do this, particularly when friends are in town to visit. Leisure activities like movie and sun bathing at the beach are equally as common.

Dubai Dating Scene

Due to the fact that Dubai is a thriving metropolis, the residents have a really hectic lifestyle. It is no joke that employers are paying top dollar to appoint the best talent to work in Dubai. Those big dollars come with high expectations and often expats tend to work longer than average hours. However, a person spends very less time thinking about himself. The dating scene in Dubai is quite interesting nevertheless; enough that I've written a full section on it. You could read more about Dubai dating here.


Most Dubai expatriates have international channels via satellite. I have written a full discussion on Dubai TV which I recommend you read for more on this subject.

Schooling for Children

The biggest concern among expat families is giving proper education to their children. Like anyone else, they want to ensure their kids receive the best education. Not to worry, Dubai has the best schools possible for kids. So if you have kids, I suggest you read my detailed discussion on Schools in Dubai.

Women Living in Dubai

There would be no drastic change in your lifestyle compared to your present situation. You aren’t required to cover your head or body, nevertheless do not expose too much of the later. You can visit all the facilities males do such as bars and nightclubs in Dubai. You can even work anywhere men do.

Dubai is quite modern and “liberal” relative to its neighboring Emirates. Just abide by and respect local rules and laws and you'll be fine. That goes for men as well. If you’re an expat woman in Dubai, I highly recommend a comprehensive section Kish had written on life of a woman in Dubai.

Business Opportunities

Many expats migrate to Dubai for employment and do not enjoy it after some time. They definitely enjoy the place, services and the quality of life it provides. However they are itching to do something else.

Most commonly they see how much money could be made in business so they start pondering getting in business on their own. If you fit this category or simply want to read more I recommend reading my discussion on the numerous business possibilities in Dubai.

Dubai expatriates take pleasure in their overall experience in Dubai. Many extend their assignments. Its a perfect place where labor help is cheap and available, day-to-day responsibilities in life are easier and income is tax-free. You can save a lot working a good job in Dubai.

So in case you are presently a Dubai expat or going to become one, I highly recommend you go through this web-site in detail. There’s a ton of invaluable information here, a lot of which is from our own experiences in and about Dubai. We wish you well!
The Dubai Information Site is a website on Dubai City put together from a practical and first-hand perspective. The site covers information about Dubai entertainment, sightseeing, Dubai jobs , sports, flights, hotels, weather, visa information, tourism, holidays, history and more. Visit Dubai Information Site to learn more about Dubai.
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Tags: small business owners, canada australia, watch tv, public transportation, filipinos, delivery charges, happy hour, recreational areas, managerial positions