Learn How Using Soap Nuts Can Improve You and Your Family's Overall Health

By: Green Leaf Goods | Posted: 10th March 2011

“Learn How Using Soap Nuts Can Improve You and Your Family’s Overall Health”

Did You Know…?

Soap nuts are an organic, chemical free substance used as an alternative for laundry detergent. It has been used for centuries as a way to clean clothes and it has many other useful purposes, which may surprise you. Soap nuts create a “soaping effect” and it is used in many households for personal cleansing as well as other surprising usages.

The Purpose of Soap Nuts

Soap nuts have many useful purposes. The shell of the nut gives the soap nut tree its name; this shell is loaded with healthy, organic, substances that come right from the un-cracked nut itself and can be used for many things. Some of the purposes of soap nuts include:

* Non-toxic laundry detergent
* To wash and disinfect your hands
* The saponine in the nut washes everything from a lace dollies, clothes and even your blankets
* The soap can be used to wash your body as well as your scalp.
* Inside the soap nut is an edible kernel, extremely rich in fats and high in food value

The Benefits

* It‘s a homemade laundry soap that’s easy and inexpensive to use
* You save money on your grocery bill
* It can be found in any eco-friendly stores
* They sell soap nut in stores already made up as organic soap bars
* One of the biggest benefits of soap nuts is that it is a sustainable product that can reduce a great deal of the waste and pollution in our environment, if it is used instead of toxic detergents.
* Clothes, towels, and linens will last longer because soap nuts do not wear away the colors or the fabric
* No need for fabric softeners or dryer sheets because soap nuts leave your clothes soft

Some Serious Facts to Consider

All the toxic substances you use that come from the laundry detergent go into your pores when you wear your clothes. And what is most disturbing is by law; laundry detergent companies are not required to list all the toxic chemicals they use to produce their laundry detergents, so who knows what toxic chemicals are seeping into your pores and going into your body. How much damage can these chemicals do to our bodies over time? This is something serious to consider next time you buy laundry detergent. Do yourself a favor buy organic. Your health is first priority. You should not take the products you use lightly. Everything you use on your body or in your home will affect your body one way or another over time.

Thought for the Day

For over a half a century we have created products that have helped us advance into a new and easier way of living, but one important factor was avoided during the creation of these great products. What are the products we are using going to do to our environment and our bodies over time? Are we causing more harm than good?

There is every reason to believe that as future unfolds if we do not convert our daily routines into an eco-green lifestyle then we are headed toward major environmental problems that will destroy our planet and ourselves. The stakes this time are even higher because the enemy now is ourselves; the choice is up to us. Do we want to save our planet and ourselves or destroy our planet and ourselves?

These great products that companies are creating are meaningless unless they are eco-green. If we are creating products that expose people and the environment to hazardous toxins then we asking for trouble. As a society, we need to make changes in the choices of products we use. Natural and recycled products are things you need to welcome into home if you are seriously considering improving you and your family’s quality of life. Visit our web site Green Leaf Goods at http://www.greenleafgoods.com
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Printed From: http://www.articleheaven.net/learn-how-using-soap-nuts-can-improve-you-and-your-familys-overall-health-2104838.html

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Tags: laundry detergent, nuts, fats, blankets, toxic chemicals, pores, toxic substances, detergents, organic substances, linens, grocery bill, dollies, fabric softeners