How the United States Government Ensured the Approaching World Food Supply Crisis

By: appledragon | Posted: 10th March 2011

How the United States Government Ensured the Approaching World Food Supply Crisis

For quite a long time now, I have repeatedly reported on the growing likelihood of a worldwide monetary cave-in.

Western governments have accumulated national debts that are too huge to ever repay, except with currencies whose value will be diluted by money-printing.

That's led me to recommend inflation hedges like railroads, gold, silver, and various forms of energy. Owning these "real assets" is the single best way to protect yourself from the inflationary crisis. But check that you don't forget the most important insurance of all: food.

If you've been reading the financial press over the past six months or so, you know the prices of vital food commodities are soaring. The price of corn is up 47% since this summer. Soybeans are up 30%. Wheat has soared 43%.

I foresee that this tendency for food prices to rise to increase exponentially in the future as the U.S government intentionally debases the dollar while deceiving the public about supporting a "strong currency." There's also a good researched argument to be made for owning agricultural commodities. Let's start with the largest crop in the United States, corn...

In 2009, U.S. farmers grew 39% of the world's maize, around 307.4 million metric tons. The crop was worth $48 billion. Our maize exports totaled $8.7 billion.

Most of the maize crop in the U.S. is used to feed livestock-around 43% of 2009 production. Some of the remainder (41%) was used for food, consumer, and industrial products (toothpaste, adhesives, cosmetics, starches, sweeteners, oils, beverages, industrial alcohol, fuel ethanol, etc.). Otherwise it was exported.. The U.S. sold most of its maize to Japan, Mexico, and South Korea.

The second-largest corn producer, China, produced 165.9 million metric tons, or half the U.S. harvest. The European Union was a distant third, harvesting 62.7 million metric tons. Brazil checked in fourth, at 51 million metric tons.

In 2009, a appalling drought in China decimated millions of bushels of corn. Stockpiles plummeted sharply as the government sold corn to stop the cost of corn escalating. Into 2010, the situation hasn't improved. The Chinese have turned out to be net importers of cornfor the first time in 16 years. It is foreseen that China will require 6 million to 8 million metric tons of corn this year.

The Chinese corn crisis reminds the world of the food shortages of 2006-2008. Average global prices for wheat, maize, and soybeans spiked more than 100%. Rice prices rosemore than 200%.

This factor of increasing global demand paired with the Fed's funny money printing makes a huge move higher in these commodities (and funds like the DBA) likely. Prices could jump to a high enough point to trigger a worldwide global instability.

When you read about this in the future years, don't say you weren't aware, and don't say you aren't ready.

For there is well researched evidence that new farming technology (actually, it has been around as a incredibly fertile system for the past 30 years, so it's not so 'new', it's just that it has largely been ignored), could provide a route to forestalling the world food price problems and food disturbances that are now definitely in the pipeline.

This technology makes it easy to farm 40% more food LOCALLY than any other method of agriculture known, FAST, and without needing to worrytoo much about soil or water availability. It uses 90% less space and land to do this than any other kind of agriculture. It uses 90% less water than any other kind of food production. Expensive toxic pollutants like artificial fertilizer and pest control chemicals are not necessary. It uses 70% less energy and effort to succeed in this than any other form of food production method.

If more farmers and politicians were informed of this technology, more could be done to teach it, and use it.

If it were accepted globally, the need to depend on outrageously costly food imports would be cancelled dramatically. This is a LOCAL method to harvest food which only uses 10% of the space and water usually allotted for conventional agriculture.

You can harvest food using this system in derelict buildings and spaces in inner cities, right next to the markets for fresh food-urban populations. No price manipulation is needed to deliver locally-grown cheap fresh food right to the local population.

What is this little-known method of growing food, fast, cleanly and economically, right in the city where it is needed?

It's called aquaponics. It's being tried all over the world, from Hawaii, through Milwaukee, and Wales in England, to islands in the Caribbean.

No soil is needed. It does not require agrichemicals. Plants grow twice as fast as normal at half the spacing. You don't need to dig or weed at all with this method. No tilling or plouging are required Pest control is easy. The only regular purchase is fish feed. Everything flowers and fruits in the fish water!

Aquaponics is intensive SUSTAINABLE fish farming (many species of edible fish can be used for this)married in the same system with hydroponic vegetable agriculture. The plants grow in recycling fish poo water. There are no toxic outfalls or waste water effluents leaked to the rivers. The fish waste water is recirculated constantly to make the plants grow twice as fast as normal. The plants clean the water, which flows back to the fish.

For more detailed information on this easy to construct aquaponics vegetables and fish production skill which can help avoid world famine and world hunger, see or, immediately!

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Tags: south korea, gold silver, forms of energy, food prices