By: Dr.Frank Ferrin | Posted: 03rd March 2011

Liposuction is a cosmetic treatment to get rid of any kind of fat deposit in an unwanted region of the body.It is not a weight loss method in any respect.The actual quantity of fat removed at the time of liposuction won't equate to any kind of noticeable quantity of weight loss in surplus pounds . When studying the results liposuction produces you need to analyze inches instead of using pounds as a determination. The fat that's removed during the time of liposuction is fat that has been "in storage" for an extended period of time and hasn't contributed metabolically [up or down|] to any part of our organism. The fat extracted won't cause you to observe a big variation when using the scale simply because the actual excess weight loss is not significant. The way to measure the results of liposuction is by determining the inches off your body.The fat that's extracted is fat that has been in your body, in "storage", for a long time and has not aided or taken away from the daily operations of your organism,regarding your metabolism.

New Liposuction Compared To Older Liposuction Procedures

Every liposuction procedure entails suction to get rid of the excess fat. The fundamental factor to think about is the way the suction process is performed and how the fat is prepared to be taken out. This makes a significant difference (it's the main thing) when it it's down to the outcomes you will experience including recovery time and overall discomfort and possible issues. To say that the original liposuction techniques were crude is to put it very lightly. The way it was carried out was first, large holes were made in the areas with unwanted fat, and large cannulas were positioned within those holes. Then the cannulas would begin the suction process and mechanically remove the fat. This caused a lot of bruising, an extreme amount of pain, and lengthy recovery periods. As a result of all of these elements, more intelligent procedures have been established. To make the suctioning procedure simpler, the excess fat needed to be processed in a simpler fashion.
Since then, numerous types of liposuction, assisted by a secondary method have been introduced such as . Essentially the most gratifying methods which have been proven to give the best results are those which use water-jet liposuction or lasers. Both of the stated approaches to liposuction create very attractive outcomes having a very soft and fat which becomes liquid that is easier to get rid of and causes much less bruising and discomfort. Smaller sized holes are used in addition to smaller sized cannulas to enhance the cosmetic effects and recuperation for these kinds of procedures. Overall, with a smaller amount of bruising and smaller incisions and also a diminished recovery time, laser liposuction and Body Jet liposuction have been growing quickly in popularity amongst men and women. About the Author
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Tags: hasn, long time, period of time, variation, elements, holes, excess weight, metabolism, organism, recovery time, liposuction, liposuction procedures, weight loss method, cosmetic treatment