Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Teeth

By: Leonardo Holmes | Posted: 03rd March 2011

Charlie Sheen appears to have had his porcelain crowns replaced with gold crowns. The Two And Half Men star was recently released from rehab after going on a 36 hour drug binge with porn stars. But his continued drug use has meant that it appears his porcelain crowns and/or veneers have had to be replaced with gold crowns.
The pictures taken of Charlie Sheen's teeth during his bender look interesting, to say the least. While the troubled star was busy with rehab, photos and videos of his last bender were being released online. In one of the photos, he looks more out of it than usual, with a wide smile showing that a lot of dental work has been done. Yet Sheen's problems began years before this latest breakdown, according to one of his porn star girlfriends. TMZ received a video from the actor's now infamous 36-hour party binge. In it, he is seen dancing with three of his many girls, at the home of friend George Santo Pierto. But it is a picture from that night which seems to reveal more about his condition. Beforehand, Sheen's teeth looked flawless, as he appeared to maintain his smile despite all of his drug use. Yet last week, he was caught smiling with his eyes closed, and with a good portion of his teeth broken and filled with gold.

The mystery over this image was quickly solved by one of his porn star contacts. Kacey Jordan went on Howard Stern to explain that past drug use rotted out Sheen's mouth. But since he didn't like his porcelain crowns, he had gold crowns fabricated instead. At the least, the Sheen teeth images aren't a result of his latest drug induced spiral. Yet it confirms just what his previous benders did to him, and that his most recent binges obviously didn't help any. Anyone could easily guess that this was the case, but it is another thing to see the effects.

Therefore, if the Sheen teeth photos are that bad from his past drug use, it stands to wonder how much more damage he's done over the last few benders. But even in spite of that, he needed a lot of convincing to voluntarily check himself into rehab, and still may not think he has much of a problem.

While professionals seek to finally prove to him that he is in trouble, the Sheen teeth images have had no problem convincing the rest of the country of what drugs can due to your teeth.

How Drugs Can Cause Dental Problems

There are a number of things that cause drug induced dental decay. Part of the reason that the drugs themselves contribute to the breakdown of the teeth, according to the American Dental Association, due to the acidity of the drugs. The extreme acidity, along with the kinds of contaminants present in drugs, contribute to teeth that decay relatively rapidly. But that's not the only reason. Here are some more reasons that drug induced dental decay can develop:

It is important to note that the problem of drug induced dental decay can be enhanced by tobacco use, consuming sugary drinks, and the fact that drug users rarely eat (many drugs are appetite suppressants), meaning that there is less of a change for saliva to be produced and used in the mouth.

You should also realize that drug induced dental decay can result from the use of many different drugs. Even though it is called typically know as "meth mouth", those who are addicted to other substances, including cocaine and even alcohol, may experience a similar oral condition. Additionally, those with problems related to saliva production - even if drug abuse is not an issue - can exhibit the signs of drug induced dental decay. Children, teenagers and adults who do not properly care for their teeth can also, over time, develop what appears to be meth mouth, even without going anywhere near drugs. However, in drug abusers, the characteristic signs of drug induced dental decay generally develop much fast.

If drug induced dental decay is not addressed, and the situation is allowed to continue, it can lead to a number of serious problems. It is possible for gum disease to develop, and for teeth to begin falling out. Additionally, oral cancer is a possibility. Another concern is that disease in the mouth can spread to other parts of the body. Also, poor oral hygiene can weaken the immune system, leaving someone with cavities more vulnerable to colds and the flu, and other attacks on the respiratory system.

I truly hope Charlie Sheen gets his life back on track. The point of this blog was not to bash Charlie Sheen, it was to educate the public of what drug use can do to your oral health.

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Tags: drug use, howard stern, spiral, rehab, binges, charlie sheen, girlfriends, dental work, porcelain crowns