Who Released The Lockerbie Bomber?

By: UK Tax Refunds | Posted: 02nd March 2011

One has to ask was the Labour administration complicit helping bring about the premature release of the lockerbie bomber?

According to a dossier of previously classified documents which will be published today 7th February 2011 the previous Labour government appear to be implicated in helping obtain the premature release of the Lockerbie bomber.

The newspaper the Daily Telegraph has disclosed files obtained by WikiLeaks that show that Labour government ministers secretly advised advice to Libya as to how to obtain the release of the bomber.

It is understood that the disclosure of letters,documents,memos and minutes of meetings will show a true picture of the previous Labour government's involvement in setting free Al Megrahi.

Mr Cameron the British PM and Hilary Clinton the US Secretary of State have issued a joint statement in which they both "strongly agreed" that the decision to free Al Megrabi had been an error.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was the only person who was convicted of the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie was released from jail on compassionate grounds in August 2009.

At the time it was claimed that due to his prostrate cancer he had only three months to survive.

Megrahi is still very much alive some 17 months later.

It is understood that the documents include details of how Labour government minister's serving under both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were prepared to assist the Libyan regime.

The records being released by the cabinet office are understood to show up the previous Labour government's claims that it took no part in the decision which was the devolved Scottish parliament's sole resposibility.

On the evening of 21st December 1988 flight Pan Am 103 was blown to pieces in mid air and fell onto the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 259 people who were flying on the plane and 11 people who were on the ground. Many of the passengers were travelling to be with their family's over the holidays.

The Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell has found that the previous Labour administration did 'all it could' to facilitate Libya in its appeal to the Scottish government to release Megrahi on compassionate reasons.

In a statement to MPs, Mr Cameron said: 'Insufficient consideration was given to the most basic question of all - was it really right for the British government to facilitate an appeal by the Libyans to the Scottish government in the case of an individual who was convicted of murdering 270 people, including 43 British citizens and 190 Americans and 19 other nationalities?

Mr Cameron went on to say 'That for me is the biggest lesson of this entire affair. For my part I repeat, I believe it was profoundly wrong.'

Wrong it clearly was and Alex Salmond the first Minister of the Scottish executive is very critical of ex Prime Minister Gordon Brown who comes out of all this as a total hypocrite.

There can be no doubt that the previous Labour administration completely lost its moral compass and sense of direction all at the same time. The Labour party and Ed Miliband have lost the confidence of the public.


The author writes a great many articles on world politics and for more detailed information please go to Ed Miliband Today
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