A Parent's User Guide for Nickelodeon Auditions

By: Richard Landy | Posted: 02nd March 2011

The acting world can prove very difficult for adults. This makes it even less conducive for children due to its cutthroat nature. If your child is talented though, this should not deter you. Instead you should try to cultivate this talent with a few boundaries of course. Nickelodeon is the leading production house of children’s programs and for this reason, their casting calls are a very hard to come by. Once you do secure a chance for your child, you should keep a few things in mind.

The first thing you will have to sort out is your child’s paperwork. Before you can take them for a Nickelodeon casting audition, you will have to ensure that they have a social security number. This should be coupled with a work permit so that child labour laws are not infringed. If you do not get this in time there are usually social worker on set who will sign your child’s work permit at a casting call but it would be much better if you had this organized beforehand.

Once you have taken care of the work permit and a social security number for your child, you will have to take them to a professional photography studio. This is pertinent because your child will need headshots for their portfolio and for the casting directors’ records. You could opt to do these headshots on your own if you find them too expensive. Keep in mind though that professional ones will flatter your child the most.

Do not be an overbearing parent. Most children tend to be shy. If this is truly what they want to do, you will have to take it at their own pace. If your child is feeling shy once you get to the casting calm, do not get frustrated with them. Instead, talk them down gently and let them warm up to the social situation. This will ensure that they give a brilliant performance free of nerves.

You should be honest with your child all the while building their confidence. If your child can sing perfectly but is not a good actor, then reinforce their singing. There is no point in lying to them that their acting is great if they will just go and fail at their audition. The criticism should always be positive through. Remember that your child is growing and the rejection they face now could shape their personality all the way to adulthood.

Enrol your child in classes that will nurture their talent. This will give them an edge against the competition at any Nickelodeon audition, Find out what your child’s strengths are and have them reinforced. For example, if your child is greatly talented at acting, then you may consider following that road exclusively. If they are also good at dancing and singing, then you would have to organize their time well so that they may have all three classes. Triple threat performers always have an upper hand at auditions.

Lastly, rejection is part of the audition process so learn to tell your child that it is not their fault.

Looking for tips and information regarding casting auditions? You can join our site to search thousands of opportunities on nickelodeon casting auditions.
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Tags: boundaries, confidence, paperwork, social security, own pace, adults, social security number, social situation, calm, nerves, social worker, casting calls, nickelodeon, audition, casting directors