Creating an iPhone app for Business Services

By: Michael Cobb | Posted: 01st March 2011

The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 was a revolution in mobile computing and internet connectivity. The number of apps that individuals and businesses could create for use with the iPhone also opened new windows of opportunity. Have you taken advantage of these opportunities? iPhone apps are easier to design than you think.

An iPhone app is written and designed to be used with the unique iPhone operating system, and creating iPhone apps for small business use is surprisingly uncomplicated. You don't need to be a computer whiz or be fluent in Xcode to create a useful app. All you need is a great idea and way to bring that idea into fruition.

Come Up With A Great Idea

All iPhone apps start from a concept. Creating iPhone apps for small business use starts the same way. Perhaps you have an idea that can solve a problem or provide a service. You may even a game idea that will promote your business.

An iPhone app needs a solid idea that can be developed in the software programming stage. Get your idea on paper. Make drawings. Write the text. Get as much as you can ready for your programmer.

Who Will Use Your Small Business iPhone App?

A great idea can be a great idea to you, but it's useless if no one else wants to use it. Before you develop your iPhone app for small business, make sure you do market research to determine whether it will work for your intended audience, your customer.

Create Your App

You can hire an iPhone programmer, program it yourself, or simply use another software "wizard" program that will help you bring your iPhone app to life.

Keep in mind that you will need to submit your application to the App Review Team for approval before it can be released on the iPhone. There are a variety of guidelines and helpful tips, such as the importance of your app's name and icon, available through the iPhone Dev Center.

Get Your App into Your Customers' iPhones

The next step is to market your app to your customers. You can submit your small business iPhone app to the Apple Store, offer as a download on your website, or even use social media as a way to promote your app.

With your small business app in use, you can benefit in many ways. Here are just a few:

* Make money selling your app
* Create a "viral" promotion with your fun app
* Allow customers to contact you easily
* Let customers set up reservations at your restaurant
* Allow customers to make instant orders of your products
* Allow employees to remotely access your business database

Even with all the iPhone apps in existence, this market is still in an infant stage. Creating iPhone apps for small business use can greatly benefit yours, especially when you consider the new announcement of the iPad, which will have even more app uses as it gains popularity.

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Tags: fruition, operating system, small business, market research, helpful tips, programmer, internet connectivity, apple, drawings, software programming, mobile computing, iphone, iphone apps