9 Efficient Tips for Women with Thinning Hair

By: AmazingWigs | Posted: 28th February 2011

As a general rule, a woman by society standards should have long beautiful hair at all time. Many women go to salon or hair care shops to take care of their hair or care hair at home with products about salon or hair care online or offline. Unfortunately, society does not take into consideration the fact that women are just as susceptible to hair loss as men. Due to the trend of hair dye and hair perm, our hairs are even more fragile. Today, let’s give you the way out with 9 efficient tips as follows:

1. It is essential to eat a balanced diet. Natural beauty really does come from good health. Make sure you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day – from a rainbow of colors. Good nutrition keeps hair follicles healthy as well as keeps you look young and nice.

2. Eliminating stress can lead to better overall health, and contribute to a thick healthy mane. When we’re stressed, we likely unknowingly tug, pull and run our fingers through our hair frequently. Stress increases cortisol levels in the bloodstream – a stress hormone that causes inflammation and poor vascular health. Moreover, stress also leads to spiritual problems. it is quite important to control your stress and relax yourself.

3. Patchy hair loss is usually due to hormonal imbalances and autoimmune disorders that can be corrected once a definite diagnosis is made. Anyone recovering from flu, high fever or infections might experience hair loss. Follow a healthy diet, doctor’s instructions for activity and exercise. Your recovery will be a success-including the healthy look of your hair. Be aware that anemia is another potential cause of hair loss. A balanced diet and a light heart is much helpful.

4. Thyroid problems are correctable, and can be a contributing cause of thinning hair in women. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist about medications you might be taking that could contribute to hair loss, brittleness or thinning. Blood pressure medications are a common culprit, but the good news is there are many drugs available. Discuss a new medicine approach with your doctor if you suspect that hair loss is caused by your current prescription.

5. If you suffer from genetic hair loss, Minoxidil can plump up the hair. You can buy it over the counter at your local pharmacy. Hair replacement or weaves can provide anyone who has genetic hair loss with a healthier look. No one said beautiful hair has to be all your own.

6. Don’t pull your hair tightly into a ponytail or braids. Damage can occur to the hair shaft, causing hair loss and breakage. Find a flattering hairstyle. If you have a genetic problem with thinning hair that defies correction, you can find ways to camouflage flaws. Speak with a professional stylist. Don’t be afraid to splurge (when the time is right) for good advice and expertise.

7. Keep allergies under control. Itching, dryness and flaking of the scalp may be a sign of allergy that can affect overall health, including hair damage. Ask your doctor for a referral to an allergy specialist for testing.

8. If you color your hair, follow the directions. Hair bleaching and coloring products, left too long, will damage the hair, making it thin and dry. There are natural hair coloring products available, but you may have to seek them out at your local natural product retailer.

9. Don’t shampoo or brush too often. Your hair wants to be treated gently. Damage occurs when we overdo hair products of any kind. Let your hair rest – it needs it too.

Among women, thinning hair is an all too common complaint as it will cause loss of self image. However, you needn’t take it too seriously. Wigs online can protect your image quite well. You even can style your wigs or hairpieces which is easily available from wholesale wigs suppliers at will. Follow these 9 tips, keep fit and keep a light heart, you hair would come back soon.
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Tags: fruits and vegetables, balanced diet, hair follicles, good nutrition, rainbow of colors, stress hormone, cortisol levels, thyroid problems, high fever, hair dye