Female Hair Loss Treatment Can Prevent Her Falling Hair

By: Steven | Posted: 25th February 2011

Among the unfortunate things that can happen to 30 million women in the United States today, nothing is more troublesome than hair loss. One-third of the female population will have to endure hair loss when they age. It is actually a daily normal condition that some hair strands are shed. It only becomes a problem when more than just a few strands are lost every day.

Various medical factors contribute to hair loss including stress, hormonal imbalances, iron deficiency, age, genetics etc. Hair loss treatment however is perhaps as simple as the addition of healthy food in the diet or taking food supplements. Available female hair loss treatments are plentiful.

The first thing to do is to identify what the cause of the hair loss is. A simple change in food intake as well as multivitamin supplements can easily remedy hair loss if it is not hereditary or a symptom of a major illness. The choice of food is important for overall health, as well as hair condition. Among essential food for a healthy hair are those with omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, fish, soy, and canola oil. Adequate consumption of foods with iron and vitamin B12 also prevents hair loss. Other nutrients necessary for hair as well as skin include biotin and methylsulfonylomethane. These natural methods must be considered first before resorting to medications as female hair loss treatment.

There are several herbal remedies that are commonly used as female hair loss treatments but their effects are not proven by clinical studies. Saw palmetto has been known to reverse hair loss. However, it should not be taken in high doses and particularly by women who are part of hormone replacement therapy due to its effect on androgen pathways. Green tea is another natural cure which may block hormones that cause hair loss.

When the supplements and herbs do not work, women can always refer to medicines such as Propecia or Proscar as female hair loss treatment. Consultation from a doctor is recommended to diagnose the cause of hair loss. Addressing the problem medicinally is effective when following a credible doctor's instructions.
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Tags: omega 3 fatty acids, 3 fatty acids, female population, vitamin b12, food supplements, cause hair loss, hormone replacement therapy, female hair loss, healthy hair, hair loss treatment, hair loss treatments, major illness, hair strands, hair condition, natural cure